On Tuesday 04 April 2017 12:55:10 Ralph Stirling wrote:

> I believe you can use SketchUp for generating STL files
> for 3d printing.  Pretty much any 3d cad tool in existence
> can do so.  Librecad is only 2d, so not much use.  On Linux,
> you are pretty well limited to Openscad and Freecad.
> -- Ralph

But while freecad is in the wheezy repo's. selecting it breaks synaptic 
and aptitude, with neither bothering to explain whats broken. So I am 
intermittently poking at openscad's tires but despite looking at the 
examples of the text file input vs the relatively poor video rendition 
it offers when that text file is compiled, I have so far not even spy'd 
the light at the other end of the tunnel.  So I printed what I could get 
from wikibooks, and will see if anything can be learned from them. But 
at 75 pages, I expect its pretty sparse for a new bee like me. Tomorrows 
project unless I see about hauling my tax stuff to the local Block 
office. I'd better do that, and get done with it so I can get 
sidetracked in it for a few days to see if osmosis might help. ;-)

> ________________________________________
> From: Gene Heskett [ghesk...@shentel.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 9:29 AM
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Cast Bracket for FHA-25 Harmonic Actuator.
> On Tuesday 04 April 2017 06:04:50 Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > On 04.04.17 05:00, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 04 April 2017 02:51:22 Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> > > > I wonder if they've heard about lost PLA casting? One off and
> > > > short runs without needing to make expensive, reusable patterns,
> > > > plus the ability to do casting shapes impossible with patterns
> > > > that must be removable from a sand mold, could be a money maker
> > > > for the foundry. 'Course they'd have to get and learn to use a
> > > > 3D printing setup.
> > >
> > > That looks like something I could do, if I had a big enough
> > > printer and could learn how to do the 3d model to feed the slicer
> > > software for the printer. I'm thinking of the belt guards in
> > > particular which would need at least one dimension in the 250mm by
> > > 100 by 100 range.
> >
> > Much much easier (and faster) for a relatively simple L-shaped angle
> > bracket with webs is lost polystyrene foam. For best finish, a
> > hot-wire cutter is a quite simple tool to make and use. (For the big
> > central cut-out, scribe the circle in pen, or pin on a cardboard
> > template, and cut radially to that circumference. Once around, exit
> > by the same radial cut. A little PVA glue seals that up again.) The
> > foot of the L, and webs, are similarly attached with a little PVA
> > glue.
> >
> > In extremis, lacking a hot-wire cutter, the only slicers needed are
> > a pointy breadknife to hack out the hole in the middle, and a sharp
> > box knife or similar to slice out the rectangle, triangles, and
> > external radius. Cold cutting works better (finish-wise) on that
> > fine blue "Styrofoam", sold by Dow as "Blue Ribbon Insulation
> > Boards" or "Wallmate".
> >
> > Do you have any offcuts remaining from lining the garage door, Gene?
> > You could have the pattern done in a day - for nix.
> >
> > Erik
> Those scraps of that blueish foam have all been binned or used years
> ago. And Lowes no longer carries that same board in 2" R22 thickness.
> The current product the last time I looked is a white, larger cell
> product and only about R20 because of that, but its the same $35 & tax
> a 4x8 foot sheet.  How it would cut with a hot wire would be TBD.
> The composition SW you folks use is I assume OpenScad? I started to do
> a belt cover with librecad, and had made good progress with a wire
> outline of unk dimensions but found its 2d only when I went looking
> for an extrude function.  Dropped that, installed openscad, but the
> only place I can find docs is at wikibooks. Without downloading both
> books from there, I've no clue how many pages of dead tree that would
> be.
> librecad apparently does not have any docs, there are none in the
> installed librecad, and clicking of the help button gets an oh fudge,
> I can't find the docs message. Theres not a separate docs package in
> the repo's for wheezy. But its pretty intuitive to draw outlines and
> such.
> So openscad seems to be it if I make a full 3d model, mounting tabs
> and all. Its help docs buttons go straight to wikibooks.
> How hot does the hot wire need to be? Seeing as how thats best
> jiggered up as a wire support frame I could stick in a vise on the
> g0704's table and rig some sort of a sheet gripper leaving a cutaway,
> for the hot wire to move within, attached to the chip pan, if I get it
> rigid enough to keep its place as the wire moves, I could probably
> just write gcode to drive the cutters path. Where it needs a lid like
> the outside face of a belt cover, just cut the outline out and glue it
> on.
> But, I think buying the printer would get me a nicer looking belt
> cover.
> Have any of you bought an open frame big enough to use, then built an
> insulating box to make it run smoother and faster? Best deal for the
> dollar but with a pellet fed head, that and working envelope big
> enough for a 10x5x4 length.width,height, or 250x125x100 in mm's.
> Throw some brand names I can google for at me please.
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> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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