On Friday 07 April 2017 16:00:04 John Kasunich wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM, Jon Elson wrote:
> > On 04/07/2017 10:29 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > What I want, but don't know if I can get, is to have the
> > > servo thread running at the highest priority, fully
> > > capable of interrupting the jog-thread, but the jog-thread
> > > cannot interrupt the servo thread as its not that time
> > > critical. How best to do that, given the tools available?
> > > Thanks Peter and everybody. Cheers, Gene Heskett
> >
> > Faster threads will, in theory, interrupt slower threads.
> > But, the way RTAPI threads are set up, at least with RTAI,
> > the slower threads will be forced to run at multiples of the
> > faster thread period. Therefore, I think, the slower threads
> > will actually never get interrupted.  I think they will just
> > get tacked onto the end after the faster thread runs.
> Slower threads can get interrupted, if they take a long time to
> complete.
> Suppose you have a 1mS servo thread that takes 170uS to run.
> And a 10mS "jog thread" to use Gene's example, that takes 1300uS to
> run.
> starting at time 0, the servo thread will run
> it will finish at 170uS, then the jog thread will start
> at 1000uS, the servo thread will interrupt the jog thread, even
>     though the jog thread has only run for 830uS and still has 470uS
> of work to do the servo thread will take its 170uS, and finish at
> 1170uS
> the jog thread will resume where it left off, and run for another
> 470uS, finishing its work at 1640uS non-realtime code will run from
> 1640uS to 2000uS
> at 2000uS, the servo thread will run for 170uS
> non-realtime code will run from 2170uS to 3000uS
> and so on, until 10000uS, when the process repeats
> If a slow thread has lots to do, it can and will be interrupted by
> faster threads.  Thread priority in HAL is automatically set up with
> the fastest threads having the highest priority so they can interrupt
> slower threads.

And thats the answer I was looking for, thank you John.

I can get it to last thru 5 to 8 repetitions of the lathe_pawn.ngc, but 
somewhere, its going to throw errors in both joints. I am now convinced 
more than ever that the spi bus has a sync problem.  I have caught the 
tach needle bouncing when the spindle is not turning a couple times as 
the errors were spit out. So I just got off the horn w/digikey from 
ordering enough stuff to make up all 3 of those pi<->7i90 interface 
cable assemblies, s/b be here by thursday next.  Maybe that will give 
enough cleaner a signal to stop this BS.  If not, the search resumes for 
a solution.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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