On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 11:02 AM, 'Ellis Cory' ellis...@tiscali.co.uk
[7x12minilathe] <7x12minila...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> One of the problems may be that a lot of us on here speak English (well I
> do) and the message below makes no sense ?
> Rgds.
>          Ellis

I wrote that.  I'm sorry if it was not clear.     It was just an
observation not intended to be positive or negative just descriptive.  The
target audience was and is people who know at least the basics of
computers, software and something about the inner working of CNC machine
controllers. The message somehow got cross posted to less technically
oriented list.    One more time:

I looked at it.  It runs in MS-DOS.    Programs that run under DOS (unlike
programs that run under Linux or modern versions of Windows) have full
access to the bare processor hardware. Running under DOS could allow very
good real-time behavior not possible with Linux or Windows.    If done
"right" this could work well.

Now I add:   I looked at the source code.   It is written in BASIC with
some assembly language added.   Ones needs to buy specific commercial
compilers to build the source.  This compiler looks like it costs about
$100.   Everyone working with the source code would have to buy a compiler.
  In other words as an open source project, this project is dead, dead,

That said, maybe there are some good ideas embedded in the code, ideas can
be studied and re-implemented

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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