On Tuesday 24 April 2018 15:17:40 jeremy youngs wrote:

> 7i90 zip extracted to public folder. Invocation of mesaflash says no
> program to open it . Tried the mesaflash icon and the mesaflash 3
> icon.

I guess I'm old fashioned. I cd to the directory its in and type 
"sudo ./mesaflash"enter.

Except on this machine I put a copy in /usr/bin so its in my $PATH.

So a "sudo mesaflash --help"

looks like this:
Word wrap off!
gene@coyote:~/Public$ sudo mesaflash --help
  mesaflash --device device_name [options]
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --write filename
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --verify filename
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --program filename
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --readhmid
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --reload | --reset
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --sserial
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --rpo address
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --wpo address=value
  mesaflash --device device_name [options] --set ip=n.n.n.n
  mesaflash --info file_name
  mesaflash --help

  --device      select active device name. If no command is given it will 
detect board with given name and print info about it.
  --addr <device_address>
      select <device address> for looking for <device_name> (network C mask for 
ethernet boards, serial port for USB boards)
  --addr_hi     set the high register address for the EPP interface
  --epp         use EPP interface to connect to board, only for boards with 
multiply intefaces (7i43, 7i90, 7i64)
  --usb         use USB interface to connect to board, only for boards with 
multiply intefaces (7i43, 7i90, 7i64)
  --spi         use SPI interface to connect to board, only for boards with 
multiply intefaces (7i43, 7i90, 7i64)
  --serial      use serial interface to connect to board, only for boards with 
multiply intefaces (7i43, 7i90, 7i64)
  --fallback    use the fallback area of the EEPROM while executing commands
  --recover     access board using PCI bridge GPIO (currently only 6I25)
  --xml         format output from 'readhmid' command into XML
  --verbose     print detailed information while running commands

  --write       writes a standard bitfile 'filename' configuration to the 
userarea of the EEPROM (IMPORTANT! 'filename' must be VALID 
FPGA configuration file)
  --verify      verifies the EEPROM configuration against the bitfile 'filename'
  --program     writes a standard bitfile 'filename' configuration to the FPGA 
(IMPORTANT! 'filename' must be VALID FPGA configuration 
  --readhmid    print hostmot2 configuration in PIN file format
  --reload      do full FPGA reload from flash (only ethernet and pci boards)
  --reset       do full firmware reset (only ethernet boards)
  --sserial     print full information about all sserial remote boards
  --rpo         read hostmot2 variable directly at 'address'
  --wpo         write hostmot2 variable directly at 'address' with 'value'
  --set         set board IP address in eeprom to n.n.n.n (only ethernet boards)
  --info        print info about configuration in 'file_name'
  --help        print this help message

Which I normally run from the configs dir of where the 7i90hd.zip
was unpacked, that way I don't have to give it the full path to the file 
I want to install.
> How do I know what dependencies are required to run this. V 2.7 
> 11? Installed

If you install the iso from linuxcnc.org, its dependencies have been 
installed already, so its ready to configure and do a trial run after 
this has been accomplished.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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