Chris Morley

On 04/09/2019 05:55 AM, andy pugh wrote:
On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 19:12, TJoseph Powderly <> wrote:

So for users who have used the PNCconf default G540 settings
(1000 step 2000 pause 200 dirsetup 200 dirchange )
On the forum we typically suggest that everyone uses 5000 for step and
dir and 20,000 for dir.
(Because by definition you only reverse at zero speed, so can afford
to wait 20uS)

I believe you maintain PNCconf
Please change the default value for g540 step timings.

I think that they are too small
It is the opinion on the 'forum' they are too small.

I would suggest 4000 3000 300 300.
I am confident the Forum suggests longer values than the default 1000 2000 200 200 I received from PNCconf.

BTW I found the PNCconf very handy for setting limits
and for testing lost counts with the looping motion feature.

I moved the starting position of the loop,
so the extreme position fitted a gauge pin against a 123 block,
then repeated for hundreds of cycles,
checking the gauge pin afterwards to verify no lost motion.

Thanks TomP

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