On 2/17/20 5:18 PM, Ed wrote:
On 2/17/20 6:20 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
From: Sam Sokolik [mailto:samco...@gmail.com]
Because your examples are not running a full operating system...
I don't buy that.  That's like saying.  Look.  The ride is a tad uncomfortable but that's to be expected.  After all this is a 10 Ton gravel truck.  But look at what it can carry.  True it's only groceries today and most days but that one time it will come in so handy...  dear...


I'll buy that because it is true. Linuxcnc carries the baggage of being a motion controller with attached OS. If you like using a go between board that uses a $2 chip that sings and dances go gettum. Check and see the availability of that chip in a couple years.

Many CNC users don't measure machine life in weeks or months or years but DECADES. My first LCNC machine is still going strong after almost 20 years, step and direction to Gecko 320's. Where will the Pi be in 20 years or your $2 chip?

Not to knock using a Pi or whatever but to point to the fact that a PC running LCNC is the point to measure from and will remain so.

The $2 chip solution may a great thing esp in a headless setup as a facilitator but I would buy backups.


Quote on a BP dealer site:

"Knee Mill Series I is the most popular vertical milling machine ever made with over 370,000 machines built over the past 70-plus years."

I suspect people that buy Griz mills, etc. start out bare and work into axis motor drives and maybe eventually full cnc. Part of that is cash flow; if you are young and have a family there simply isn't enough money. It gets better after the kids leave home and the dog dies. :-)

In the early 2000's manual mills could be had for hauling them off. I bought a Mazak V5 for $1500 ...  with a dead  control. Of course getting it here and shoehorned into the shop, adding new servo drives, etc is another story, a long story.

Speaking of motion control; we have no control over the availability of usable cpu's. So far we've been lucky. I like the idea of motion residing in a microcontroller but in terms of something surviving for years I think that a product based  on a popular FPGA series has the best chance of being viable over time. Use the FPGA only for motion and a general purpose computer for all the non-realtime stuff. Can I do this ... not a chance. I do best at ideas and let the really smart people do the rest.


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