On 01/18/2021 05:47 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
So what does LinuxCNC do?  Is the thread mucked up if spindle speed is
changed during a feed hold and then start?

Feed hold has nothing to do with it John, you can't change the spindle
speed in mid thread. Full stop. Period. I think it could do what is
needed.  But its like Yogi Berra once said about theory and practice.
Which in this case means machine balistics are hard to do.
Are you saying that for threading on a lathe LinuxCNC _must_ have control over 
the spindle speed?  Or can I have a manual knob and adjust the speed as it's 
threading.  Or as it's returning back to the start?
No, not at all. On desktop machines, the spindle always slows down when the cutting starts. LinuxCNC adapts the Z feed to the speed of the spindle, as sensed by the encoder. You can literally shut the motor off and turn it by hand, even back up and then move forward again.
Or are you saying that if LinuxCNC is cutting a thread keep your fingers off 
the speed control?

When in a threading operation, at least most manual controls and overrides are disabled, other than E-stop. Feedrate override is certainly disabled, and abort (esc key) and pause are disabled until the cutter is out of the workpiece. I have no idea if spindle override is disabled, I have not tried it.
Seems like maybe that would be OK.


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