> From: Sven Wesley [mailto:svenne.d...@gmail.com]
> Den tors 21 jan. 2021 kl 17:51 skrev John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>:
> > No CAN bus port.  No USB port.
> >
> > I guess it depends on how deep one wants to go into C programming as to
> > what you might choose for independently controlled things like a tool
> > changer.  I have PIC32 development boards and processors that support
> > quadrature encoders.  Same dsPIC series with quadrature and CAN bus.
> >
> > The latest interesting and although a lot more money is:
> > https://www.ti.com/tool/LAUNCHXL-F28379D
> >
> > With dual processors and a lot of other pretty cool features this could be
> > made into a wicked pendant.
> >
> > John Dammeyer
> >
> You load the code over USB. The Pico doc has code examples for REPL over
> USB, UART, I2C and SPI.
> *3.2. UART*
> *USB  serial  is  available  from  MicroPython,  but  the  REPL  is  also
>  available  over  UART0  by  default.*
> Isn't that USB communication?

Stand corrected.  Only looked at the pin definitions.  Not the board itself and 
there is a USB cable plugged into it.  

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