Something like so:

h  = 5.25 ;
r1 = ( 73.6/2.000000 ) ;
r2 = ( r1 + 2.6000 ) ;
rotate_extrude(angle=123) {
        translate([r1,0]) square([r2-r1,h]);


Anno domini 2021 Thu, 4 Mar 10:33:12 -0500
 Gene Heskett scripsit:
> Greetings all you OpenSCAD experts;
> I had no trouble making a ring with this code:
> h  = 5.25 ;
> r1 = ( 73.6/2.000000 ) ;
> r2 = ( r1 + 2.6000 ) ;
> difference() {
> cylinder( h , r2 , r2 , $fn = 180 , center = true ) ; 
> cylinder( h , r1 , r1 , $fn = 180 , center = true ) ;
> }
> But how do I generate another 2.5mm radius cylinder but only for the 
> stated degrees, like a half cylinder?
> The tut I'm following doesn't seem to address this.
> Thanks.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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