On Thursday 26 August 2021 22:58:10 Leonardo Marsaglia wrote:

> > But I still think the loose belt is a better idea. But get rid of
> > the separate and expensive ball bearings and make the armature
> > itself eccentric, wrapping it in a dual row, printed in plastic
> > bearing using crosman bb's for balls is working moderately well for
> > me.  And it will be strongest when the splines are worn to fit each
> > other. What I am fine tuning right now, and may have to resort to a
> > smaller nozzle to print it, is a new preloaded fit that when broke
> > in, still has zero backlash. But one of them has now been running on
> > my kitchen counter for a month at about 20 rpm output, 600 at the
> > motor, with no noise and no breakage, with a 1NM motor turning it.
> > But it can't be done in PLA, must have the more flexible PETG. And
> > that eliminates any printer not using at least an E3D V6 or better
> > hot end, I now have 5 printers tossed in the corner, which claimed
> > to be able to use PETG. Once maybe, but not a full spool of it.
> Hi gene, I hope you're doing well.
Other than a PSA out of sight, par for my age, I think I am doing well 
for 86 yo. Neighbors see me working in the yard and claim I'm lying when 
I say 86. Right now I'm putting in vinyl fence, so I'm pulling postholes 
for the older stuff. Thats an8 foot 4x4 with a 2 foot plug of cement on 
the bottom of it, and its about all my 18 horse husky rider wants to 
pull to get it somewhere near the "take it to the landfill" trailer. And 
I've 3 of those to pull yet. Broke my 20 yo handiman jack loosening that 
one, bought a long ram hydraulic and a bucket of chain to finish that 
but that jack is a lot slower than the handiman, so its about 2/3rd 
fixed now. Need to make a 5/8" pin thru the top hole to attach some guy 
cables to from a 3 foot 2x6 screwed to its foot. Tomorrow if the weather 

> What problems did you have with your printers and PETG? Have you tried
> the Ender 5 PRO?

Thats one of the printers sitting in the corner pile. It sorta worked, 
but the plastic extruder broke and I put one of crealities all metal 
ones on it, an exact copy of the plastic one but all metal, but after 
I'd put it back together, it would only drive the build plate down. I 
sent creality a message but never got a reply.

So then I believed the propaganda and bought a CR10-S Pro V2.  Which 
started leaking between the heat break and the sink on obout the third 
print.  So then I bought a BIQU HX which has the latest H2 printhead, 
and bought another H2 thinking of putting it onthe CR10 but while the 
BIQU has excellent firmware and a 7" touch screen, it too rejected a 
steady diet of PETG, leaking from above the hot block, and its a bear to 
get apart and worse to put back together, so combined with a poorly 
designed adaptors because the Pro V2 has a totally differnt carraige, so 
it never got put on. Then I spotted the Haldis version of an E3D v6 and 
some mounting brackets for that, designed and printed an adaptor to put 
a sherpa ejector on top of the haldis for a direct drive. All this after 
buying an $800 prusa as a kit whch does have an E3D V6 hot end hidden in 
the plastic the Prusa head is made of.  And even the Prusa is high 
maintenance due to the nozzle being self loosening if not cranked down 
hard enough to kill an Olsen Rudy. About every other day. And you have 
to take the part fan and nozzle off to get a wrench on the hot block, 
and since the recommended temp to tighten the nozzle is 290C, you've got 
about 10 seconds to tighten it before the wrench burns your hand. 

But I may have now blown something in the CR10's filament detector 
circuit, there was a blue led on an interface board at the left end of 
the X bar, which went out forever when I plugged the sensor back in, and 
now creality is refusing to give me a filament sensor wiring diagram.

I wouldn't mind putting a few shekels into the ender 5 or the CR10, but 
if creatilty refuses to supply that info, then the ender 7 goes off my 
wish list. Even a $2000 Dremel cannot do PETG, I sent it back because a 
lot of other stuff it had didn't work, they put a nozzle in it and sent 
it back. So just to get that lesson out of the house I gave it to my 
stepson. He's feeding it PLA and having a ball, but without doing PETG 
as a daily diet, it was just a headache I had to walk around.

Also. the ender 5 Pro wasn't square, so circles printed like a leaning 
eccentric. About 1/8" trapezoidal.  Loosening and retorqueing all the 
bolts in the top frame didn't help.

> I have one of those and had moderate success with 
> PETG (didn't worked with it too much) but I use it mostly with ABS to
> create casting patterns because it is easy to sand and smooth with
> acetone. The extruder is not direct but it's all metal and the hotend
> reaches 260º. I just changed the firmware to the latest Marlin and
> activated the manual mesh levelling to get better adhesion. Also I
> made a quick enclosure for it with polycarbonate and put a resistor
> inside to heat the chamber to 60º C. I'm priting ABS with a 1 mm
> nozzle pretty well. Tried nylon and had some success with small parts
> but horrible warping with large parts (also at 60º C on the chamber).

I bought a roll of polyprop, but even magigoo could not make it stick to 

Take care yourself, Leonardo.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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