I'm looking for a small motor for a mobile robot.   I thought I'd ask here
on the chance that there are very small size servos used for machine tools
that might work for me.    I need very good power to weight ratio as this
is a battery-powered machine and has 12 to 16 motors.    The motors need to
be good at holding positions at zero speed.

My guess is that there is nothing like this available, and I'll have to
adapt a quad-copter motor.

I need at least a dozen, eventually two dozen so "cost matters"

I'm currently using R/C hobby servos.  Modern bus-servos are very good,
except for their speed.  I'd like something MUCH faster.   THese will be
used to power the legs of a walking machine and need to be fast enough to
respond to a 100 Hz control loop, preferable 1KHz.

BTW for those making something like a tool changer these would be great.
Features are

   - 25 kg-cm holding torque
   - commands are sent over a serial bus.  All you need is one serial port
   and a power supply to drive many servos
   - you can query it for its current position
   - you can specify a speed
   - that can act as position servos over a 240-degree range and have a
   second "speed" servo mode that does full 360 multiple rotations.  They
   claim 1/3rd degree accuracy.
   - They self-enforce angle and rate limits so as to not burn themselves
   up trying to reach an impossible set point.
   - They are not expensive at $21 each

But they are s-l-o-w.   About 300 degrees per second is the maximum speed.
 This is OK for many things but I need something much faster and about the
same torque

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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