I've offered to make some bronze bearings for a vintage British motorbike club.

The bearings have some helical oil grooves on one half of the inner diameter.

I thought I could do this with G76 having the pitch twice the length of the bush.

G0 X15. Z10.
G76 P42.0 Z-25. I0.88 J0.3 K1.0 Q29.5 H1 L0 R1.5

The problem is that the spindle, run via a VFD needs to turn at only 50 RPM to be able to have enough velocity on the Z stepper to achieve the correct pitch and the spindle doesn't seem to be stable enough or have enough torque at those revs to give a cosistent cut.

Does anybody have any ideas how I can check or make the G76 more stable at low revs?



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