I cannot help with this because I don't have a 7i92.

ChatGPT may be promising, but is a WIP (work in progress) e.g.


From: Roland Jollivet
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:25 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Emc-users] Linuxcnc HAL and AI

Since most ?? of us have some difficulty with configuring the HAL script, I
thought maybe ChatGPT could help.

So this is obviously very generic, but one can easily 'add' new
parameters/constraints to the query. By the way, I have no clue if it is
correct or not.

Maybe someone could try troubleshooting their existing script by pasting it
into AI and ask to check it.

Another option is for a developer to write a web page interface using the
AI API to help users generate HAL scripts.

AI  Q: write a HAL script for Linuxcnc using steppers and a 7i92 interface

AI  A: Here is an example of a HAL script for LinuxCNC using stepper motors
and a 7i92 interface card:

# Load the 7i92 driver
loadusr -W hal_7i92 -i0

# Declare the step and direction pins for each axis
setp stepgen.0.step_pin    halui.0.axis.0.step
setp stepgen.0.dir_pin     halui.0.axis.0.dir
setp stepgen.0.enable_pin  halui.0.axis.0.enable

setp stepgen.1.step_pin    halui.0.axis.1.step
setp stepgen.1.dir_pin     halui.0.axis.1.dir
setp stepgen.1.enable_pin  halui.0.axis.1.enable

# Set the maximum frequency for each axis
setp stepgen.0.maxvel      1000
setp stepgen.1.maxvel      1000

# Connect stepgen outputs to 7i92 step and direction pins
net step0-out stepgen.0.step    => 7i92.0.step-0-out
net dir0-out stepgen.0.dir      => 7i92.0.dir-0-out

net step1-out stepgen.1.step    => 7i92.0.step-1-out
net dir1-out stepgen.1.dir      => 7i92.0.dir-1-out

# Enable the stepper motors
setp halui.0.axis.0.enable 1
setp halui.0.axis.1.enable 1

This script assumes that you have already set up the hardware connections
between your 7i92 card and stepper motors, and configured the 7i92 for use
with LinuxCNC. Note that you may need to modify the pin assignments and
other parameters based on your specific setup.

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