
I have been trying to get a rotary fourth axis setup going with the help of regular and knowledgable contributors to LinuxCnc. We came up against a brick wall as many other project developers have done.

The problem seems to be that our trajectory planner lack the ability to look ahead for any rotary axis. This means that a coordinated move that includes a rotary move will be dysfunctional at best.

I understand that there is a free trajectory planner on offer to LinuxCnc but it has not been integrated. It would seem that some lack of skills or time has a role to play in getting it integrated.

I unfortunately do not have the skills nor the time to tender to assist with this however, someone made the suggestion that maybe the community could embark on a fund raising project to enable us to pay for someone to get the trajectory planner integrated. I am sure that many would stand to benefit from this and other users that I have spoken to has indicated that they would gladly contribute.

I would at least want to start a discussion around the idea.



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