----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear Empyre,Thanks for the new information. The month's theme seems very 
interesting and especially apt. I  find the usage of terroir 
particularlyinteresting, finding it rather close to Derridean differAnce. One 
kind ofnonsameness of course is linguistic. I imagine most on this listserv 
arealready familiar with positions stressing the importance of 
extendingbiodiversity to linguistic diversity. I’d just like to add a link to 
an articleby Albert Bastadas-Boada of the U. of Barcelona, 
/Linguisticsustainability for a multi-lingual humanity/. Briefly, citing from 
the article:/Just as sustainable development does not negate thedevelopment and 
the desire for material improvement of human societies but at one and the same 
time wants to maintainecosystemic balance with nature, so linguistic 
sustainability acceptspolyglottisation and intercommunication among groups and 
persons yet still calls for the continuity and fulldevelopment of human 
linguistic groups./ Terroir aspectsthen, for this neophyte to Randall’s work at 
least, would seem to be veryapplicable to linguistic sustainability. I’m sure 
you’re way ahead of me. IACthe article is easy to search up. Its bibliography 
is also interesting. The link is 
Best wishes, William 

empyre forum

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