----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear <<empyreans>>,

A very brief response to Melinda's post and in consideration of the timescales or scaling times of contamination, I would like to point to the documentary /Onkalo/ or /Into Eternity/ <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HArxuzs1AA>; it also recalls the strange attraction of contaminated zones, like Chernobyl--perhaps a contemporary romanticism of the ruin? Nature's alter-return, post anything, anyone /human/kind. And the beauty of time at scale, of Cage at Halberstadt, which I'm sure I've brought to the list's attention before: http://www.aslsp.org/de/das-projekt.html



On 28/11/17 02:25, melinda rackham wrote:

----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hello everyone-

thank you for inviting me to join this discussion Renate - its very close to me 
on a number of fronts and depths. Ive resonated with the discussion so far and 
am delighted to have new links to explore so thank you other guests for your 
insight into residual, viral and network contamination, symbiotic relations, 
boundary crossings, contaminate affect etc.  However I have just driven in the 
APY Lands - Indigenous Homelands in central Australia where I live for 6 months 
of the year today and am exhausted so will respond more fully tomorrow after a 
good sleep.

I just wanted to comment on one aspect of contamination briefly, harking back to 
Renate's initial post on contamination as boundary seepage.. almost a persona  
"contamination creeps and has a slowness about it.” Yesterday I noticed in my 
news feeds a story of radioactive waste seepage accelerated by climate change on the 
remote Marshall Islands, halfway between Australia and Hawaii. on googling i 
discovered its not a new story- heres a link to the Guardian’s 2015 

A concrete dome, known locally as “the Tomb”, containing tonnes of radioactive 
waste including about 400 lumps of plutonium left over from 60 United States 
Pacific Nuclear tests on atolls in the 1940s and 1950s is seeping - or has been 
for quiet a while.  What really struck me was that the dump site is sitting 
directly on the earth- ie it is not actually sealed and just has 18 inch slabs 
of concrete on top to conceal it - hardly a forward thinking containment 
strategy. Did the US not learn anything from the marvels of German engineering 
in WW 11 on how to build indestructible concrete megastructures like the 
Flakturms in Germany and Austria with 3.5 m (11 ft) concrete walls reinforced 
with steel cables. But the obscene absurdity of 18 inches of concrete icing on 
top of the radioactive cake?  But what I want to comment on is that for 50 
years its contents have already been seeping into the Pacific Ocean through the 
permeable earth, creeping into the planets living systems, and we have been 

Meanwhile on a larger island at the bottom of Australia a 6000 square metre 
three level sandstone lined bunker houses the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). 
In early interviews on the Museums owner David Walsh (the internet gambling 
trillionaire who built this whimsy to house his massive collection of 
antiquities and contemporary art) would speak about how the gallery is cut from 
rock deep beneath a tidal river, his engineers have told him in about 50 years 
water will seep in and slowly immerse the gallery spaces, making it a 

Walsh saw this as a completely fitting outcome for MONA - colloquially known as 
the museum of sex and death - both inevitable in life cycles. Walsh would be 
dead - entombed in one of his large collections of urns in the internment wall, 
with MoNA offering lifetime membership for $75,00 where your cremated ashes can 
be urned up in the sandstone wall as well. That sort of talk about submersion 
has unfortunately now disappeared from any discussions of the Museum as I guess 
Walsh doesn't want to scare away paying visitors and gamblers now he is 
building a casino there. However for me this planned obsolesce through tidal 
seepage into the pinnacles of art and culture was the most interesting concept 
of the whole project, pitting nature as the contaminant.

more tomorrow


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