----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
I want to thank our weekly featured guests: Joanna Raczynska, Tim Murray(US), 
Ana Valdes (UR), Constanza Salazar, Rachel Fein-Smolinski, Lynne Sachs (US),
Emily V Duke, Jessica Posner, and Patrick Lichty (US, UAE). 
Also thanks to our –empyre- subscribers for sharing your perspectives, memories 
and inspired work based on our discussion, “Between the Body, Memory, Screen 
and Culture--In memory of Grace Quintanilla (MX) 1968 to 2019, Barbara Hammer 
(US) 1939 to 2019, Carolee Schneemann (US) 1930 to 2019, and Agnes Varda (FR) 
1928 to 2019.

It is the generosity and openness of all of these women’s art that has inspired 
me and my own work.  Most particularly, dear Grace Quantinilla whose early CD 
ROM, Vice Versa, inspired my early work in new media.  The CD ROM created in 
the platform Director, was designed like a memory book.  Based on two 
vaudeville performers that were her also relatives, the design was a composite 
of photographs, images, and narratives that revealed her family’s history.  The 
layered compositing and slow reveal reflected the transparencies and opacities 
of remembering and forgetting.  Grace was a giving and gentle person who always 
shared her work as curator and ambassador of Mexican culture and art.  She will 
be missed. 

Best to all of you.  Renate

Renate Ferro


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