----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hello Empyreans, 

Awkwardly, having lurked on so many previousoccasions, but I hope playfully as 
well, Maria, inthe senses you've set out, may I add a few ideas.For your hello 
has inspired me, so let me at leastnote that. Then your mention of metaphor 
brought tomind, first, its meaning as transfer--also transference?Second 
movement in general, human participation,a baby's first exploration before 
birth, and after. 
Movement I think as a weaving, a shuttling backand forth. The plowing metaphor 
is also used torefer to texts that alternate lines written from leftto right, 
then right to left, boustrophedon from Greek.In any event play as movement, 
whether ludic orotherwise. People will already be familiar withthe book *Homo 
Ludens, which explores play inmany aspects. Finally the chora spoken of byPlato 
in *Timaeus (49a3-52b), a space/place ofcreation. These first thoughts also in 
relation toplay's aporesis, and including what Murat speaksof regarding 
weaving, for me always remiiscentof the idea of the figure in the carpet. That 
in itselfseems to me to relate to a premising on shamein Truong Trans's phrase, 
a more advanced stageof maturation from that of the infant, when the per-son's 
exploring hands weave through their pubic 
hair, a spinning, a skein say, the sky..... 
Or some other object. 

Best wishes and thanks, William

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