----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
YES to collaboration as play and also humor as a tactic of resistance:
... courage, ... humor, ... cunning, ... steadfastness..." as the new
translation has it (i prefer the Schocken one because of the word
"resilience"). yes to it all. amazing stuff coming out of the vortice that
comprise oceanic expressive cultures...

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 12:36 PM Craig Perez <cspe...@hawaii.edu> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hafa adai and Aloha!
> Thanks, Margaret, for the invitation to join this exciting discussion.
> My poetry focuses on my home island of Guahan (Guam), my current home of
> Hawaiʻi, and the larger Pacific and our diasporas. Thematically, I address
> issues of decolonization, demilitarization, environmental justice, food
> sovereignty, political self-determination, and migration. Four of my books
> have been published thus far, with my fifth forthcoming next year (you can
> see my books here at my website: www.craigsantosperez.com). When I think
> about "play" in my work, I think about my use of playful
> techniques/aesthetics, including collage, polyphony, satire, humor, gossip,
> the carnivalesque, and metanarratives.
> I enjoy thinking of collaboration as a kind of inter-play. The two main
> collaborations I have done have been with Hawaiian artists/writers. One art
> installation called "defence" can be found here:
> http://craigsantosperez.com/defence/. A poem-video, called "praise song
> for oceania" can be found here:
> http://craigsantosperez.com/praise-song-oceania/.
> Lastly, I have found that creating a space of creative play at activist
> events have been very fruitful. I have organized many poetry writing spaces
> and creative writing workshops at different kinds of protest marches,
> activist festivals, cultural events, and more for people to express
> themselves. I have also hosted poetry reading and open mics at activist
> events, teach-ins, etc. I believe making these kinds spaces are vital for
> social justice movements to keep things playful (engaging, fun,
> pleasurable, expressive, creative, etc).
> I look forward to learning from everyone one.
> Cheers,
> Craig
> --
> Dr. Craig Santos Perez
> Interim Director of Creative Writing
> Associate Professor, English Department
> Affiliate Faculty, Center for Pacific Islands Studies
> & The Indigenous Politics Program
> University of Hawai'i, Mānoa
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