----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
This brings me to world-building and embodied knowledge-making. I find it
fascinating how many thinkers and disciplines undergo a “material turn”,
particularly visible in media theory of the last few years. As opposed to
early dreams of the disembodied virtual, there seem to be a lot of
attention towards the materiality of digital media. Without the material
turn, agential realism (Karen Barad), ecology of mind (Gregory
Bateson) or social
and ecological interdependence (Judith Butler), all standing in opposition
to a liberal tradition of an individual, it seems difficult to imagine any
change in how we consume media and entertainment. The larger question
remains then whether responsible consumerism and responsible production are
at all possible in capitalist systems? This is quite a heavy or dystopian
question to drop at the end of the week .

Sonia Fizek
Digital Wanderer & Ludic Thinker
Associate Professor in Media and Games Studies
Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln
empyre forum

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