----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hello Empyre,

Thanks Renate for inviting us to share work.

My name is Eric Barry Drasin. <http://ericbarrydrasin.com>I am a media
artist and researcher, currently based in Buffalo NY. I was previously in
NYC for many years and was actively involved in the experimental media
community. I just completed my MFA at the University at Buffalo Art
Department in Emerging Practices where I was focusing on blockchain
imaginaries, distributed protocols for artistic production and performance.
This fall I will be entering a PhD program in Media Studies at the
University of Colorado Boulder.

My MFA thesis exhibition was open for five whole hours before covid
lockdown ensued, so I wound up transitioning my work to online platforms,
resulting in an interactive PDF / Art book / Hybrid webVR experience.

My Art Book can be found here: <https://sunybuffalo.academia.edu/EricDrasin>

Inside you will find three broad project categories with hyperlinks to
other places where this work lives:

   - The Distributed Art Object Framework
   - Normcorp
   - Dungeon Master

*The Distributed Art Object Framework* is a technological and legal stack
giving rise to emergent forms of digital property. It predates, emcompasses
and extends what is currently happening with NFTs. I also recently wrote an
article about NFTs and "Crypto-art" if anyone is interested in a very hot

*Normcorp* was a speculative "organization as art object" utilizing the
concept of legality, DAOs, and the performativity of contracts in order to
create a "crypto art startup" that is itself its own content. It used the
"Lean Startup" methodology as a performative score to enact its own value.
It is built upon the concept of the DAOF, a distributed object with its own
internal programming structuring relationship.

*Dungeon Master* is the world's most brutal academic speed metal powerpoint
band. I wear black metal face makeup and yell about the blockchain. We
released a speed metal album called, "Fear and Trembling: On the Blockchain,
<https://dungeonmasterllc.bandcamp.com/releases>" which was embedded in a
powerpoint deck. This requires that listeners have a working copy of
Powerpoint to hear our album. We also have been using instagram filters as
part of an ongoing performance on instagram
<http://instagram.com/dungeonmasterllc> and twitter
<http://twitter.com/dungeonmasterzz>. We are working on a bunch of new
content related to the blockchain which we will be releasing this summer.

Here is my bio/artist statement <http://www.ericbarrydrasin.com/bio/>

Eric Barry Drasin
\\\\  website <http://ericbarrydrasin.com>
\\\\\\\\  blog <http://ericbarrydrasin.com/blog>
\\\\\\\\\\\\  mailing list <http://eepurl.com/MfxOv>
Trying to change something only acknowledges and perpetuates it's
empyre forum

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