dear soft-skinned city  or country dwellers, 

and – following Diego Hernandez's archaeo-logical position on cities as 
"sedentary resilient organisms" (!) –  one might add: dear farmers and 
villagers ("Los aldeanos") in Nueva York, Montevideo ("a clear example of 
non-sustainable-beautiful-architecture, as Leandro
suggested), Jerusalem, Johannesburg, the Rio de la Plata regions,  
the problems are even larger than we thought. 

One could assume that the economic crises, and the increasing social divisions 
and global divisions and regional economic divisions and discrepancies
will not benefit the "city".

Re-reading the earlier literary references to the invisible cities, Diego's 
"city" introduces another construct (but one based on Darwinist 
security/survival it seems), or proposition, even if grown and sedimented 
through long and changing histories of concentration.  The crises will not much 
longer benefit the cities, nor the human rights, community functions and 
"post-network civilities,"  nor architects and philosophers, nor occupiers and 
exhumers and forensic experts, nor indeed our bones (or those of our ancestors 
in graves)  and our "archives" and performance "repertoires" , to use a title 
of a book from the founder of the Instituto Hemisférico de Performance y 
Política (Diana Taylor, The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural 
Memory in the Americas, 2003).

I was tempted to write on exhumation, after reading Ana's comment on folks in 
Uruguay waiting to hear who might yet be identified (having been 'disappeared" 
under military dictatorial regime).

But I know nothing about exhumation.

When I went t look for a description (Uruguayan Peace Commission /, I found the historical archive, 
e.g. >In 1985, a “Commission of Inquiry into the situation of disappeared 
persons and the events leading up to their disappearances” was created, but it 
did not come to any convincing conclusion>> reporting political failure of the 
Uruguayan "truth and reconciliation commission," ( as it was called 
euphemistically in South Africa),   

and then also clinical descriptors of a Dr  Horacio E. Solla on  >>the 
utilization of two techniques used for the identification of human skeletal 
remains: the traditional technique of facial reproduction employed by forensic 
anthropologists, and the more recent technique of DNA pattern analysis, which 
is usually utilized by biochemists. Both techniques were applied to a unique 
case to analyze and identify the skeletal remains of a child who disappeared in 
the Uruguayan city of Salinas in February 1991.>>

After reading the clinical descriptor system, I felt encouraged to go back to 
the issue of phanstasmagoria (Benjamin), trying to understand our attraction to 
the banality of ruins and ruination of whatever social utopias
there have been; and perhaps "resilient organism"  (in light of Fukushima) is 
another allegory doomed to fail. And yet,  above all, I was trying to follow 
some of the inspiring and positive claims made here, and wishing to thank
Simon and Aristide for their insistence.  Simon's insistence the Physiognomie - 
or "anatomy" -- of an affective network inside/without the "occupation machine" 
 is very thought-provoking, and I was trying to read Simon and Aristide 
now in the light and reflection of the writings of Alejandro, Diego (the crisis 
exploding inside the city walls, as a Trojan horse), Sabela and Alicia 

>>Diego schreibt:
Sin embargo, la crisis explota adentro de las murallas de las ciudades, como un 
caballo de Troya construido por los propios ingenieros japoneses, en medio de 
sus apacibles ciudades

How can we re-turn this image to the strong propositions made by Simon (about 
the "molecular revolution in progress") and Aristide?

Simon schreibt:
This is why I asked about the city as the anatomy of the network. And far from 
wanting to defend OCCUPY or perplex I wanted to include affect - and indeed 
sentiment - in the genetic conditions of the Simulacrum, which, with the 
contribution of networking in its broadest sense as communication, facilitates 
the habitation of the city as a sensate spatium - as it is lived feelingly and 
concretised in the Sensorium. 

Can you speak more about how this sensorium is politically effective to 
counterbalance the very symptoms of simulacrum hype (affective intensities of 
the commodity fetishisms and market imperatives to sell ourselves out)?

Antonas schreibt:

..<< Protocols are meant to be functional small scale legislations that rule a 
space through new norms. The problem will be who will have the right to act 
with such an even limited civil power in order to make urban protocols valid on 
a specific urban background. 

New community functions will be necessary in order to prescribe a protocol or 
to install it temporarily. The Internet can provide the grouping system in 
order that concrete communities of inhabitants decide to introduce and test a 
protocol. The municipalities may act as the legalizing power that could accept 
or refuse such protocols to run in the city. Protocols can be proposed through 
the net and be accepted from different interested communities; urban protocols 
organize independent autonomous communal structures; they can also regulate the 
relationship between the private sector and specific communities. 

In this case, the protocol formations will describe a similar task to the one 
we have in the net when we try to elaborate interesting communication platforms 
in order to represent or organize wiki functions. We run analogous risks that 
the whole setting of rules can be absorbed by the market. But if there is no 
other alternative for communities to act in the city, then it will be only the 
market to operate, to calculate and to take advantage of every communal 
function if we do not invent a systematic reply to this inoperative function. 

The communities themselves could make profit out of their own creativity 
through the net. Systems of alternative economies could be tested and 
implemented. A post-network civility could be under preparation if we could 
better describe and propose new legislative tools in order that our projects 
for a different society may function. We need the operational formats to 
undertake this work and this is what the urban protocols propose foremost.

What if the very notion of community, however, is still an incomplete social 
utopia that needs to be sculpted,  as there undoubtedly are interested if 
fractured shareholder communities, and other groups and other disaffected 
bodies, and what Eric Kluitenberg calls "insular electronic circulations" 
("Legacies of Tactical Media") that may not flow well together ?  You surprised 
me when you displayed so much belief in protocol formation by 
"citizens"/civilians and at the same time evoke a "post-network civility"   - 
what kind of different society are you imagining, after the network, where you 
and her and me are making our own protocols? for what? what do "independent 
autonomous communal structures" do to survive?


Johannes Birringer

Kluitenberg's publication "Legacies of Tactical Media"  is available online 
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