
You are pointing to the continued necessity of critique, and I am in emphatic 
agreement. At the same time, I want to move beyond mere critique to attend to 
cultural forms of enchantment: my interest in the popular impels me to do so. 
Popular cultural forms are generative in myriad ways: some are exhilarating, 
others downright disquieting. I will give two quick examples that bring into 
dialogue critique and appreciation of popular enchantments.

1) In talking about Baz Luhrmann's  MOULIN ROUGE, Rosalind Galt channels Said 
to point to the undeniably orientalist aspects of the film. But she does not 
stop there. She also explores set design and costumes--and the considerable 
pleasures they afford--to restitute the "decorative" (with all its gendered 
connotations of the ornamental and the superfluous) as an immensely productive 
element of cinematic signification.
2) In my own research, I look at the hilarious spoofs of well-known Bolly- and 
Hollywood films coming out of the western Indian town of Malegaon. Known for 
their DIY aesthetic and camp panache, these video-films draw on the glitter of 
big budget "global" films (the Superman franchises, Tarzan, and a host of 
Bollywood blockbusters) even as they viciously lampoon their vacuous promises. 
In a sense, these parodies buy into the allure of "the good life" that 
contemporary cultures of globalization sell; and yet, they question the global 
from the singular perspectives of their precarious lives. These remediations 
include hilarious riffs addressing the challenges they face in their quotidian 
lives, from mosquito-borne diseases to the lack of potable water. I draw 
inspiration from this pop-cultural practice that deftly moves beyond the 
polarization of complicity and resistance, trafficking in both at once.

As for my own approach, my writing practice: might I say that I tend towards a 
form of critical enchantment?

From: empyre-boun...@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au 
[empyre-boun...@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Timothy Conway Murray 
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 9:58 PM
To: soft_skinned_space
Subject: [-empyre-] the risky place of critique


I just asked Bishnu where an aesthetics of risk might fit into the picture, and 
then opened Renate's post to discover that she posed a similar question earlier 
this afternoon!  Your point about the limitations of critique.  I'm wondering, 
in this context, whether you'd care to expand on how you understand the nature 
of your writing practice.  My sense is that its aim is to raise a questioning 
concerning technology, as Heidegger pleaded as early as 1954, but might this 
also entail maintaining a continued critique of the closedness of habitual 
capitalized research agendas?


Director, Society for the Humanities
Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
Professor of Comparative Literature and English
A. D. White House
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York. 14853
From: empyre-boun...@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au 
[empyre-boun...@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Bhaskar Sarkar 
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 5:52 PM
To: empyre@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
Subject: [-empyre-] On Risk Cultures

The default understanding of “risk culture” references the spectacular media 
that cognitively and affectively habituate us to imminent harm: advertisements, 
advisories, warning systems, graphs/maps, and the like. The primary effort is 
to wager on future uncertainty with reasonable foresight: to calculate, 
measure, estimate, infer, and predict future states in order to capitalize the 
bet, thereby turning threat into opportunity. We see such effort across risk 
domains—in finance, real estate, biotech industries, patent regimes, or 
militarized security protocols—where aggressive speculative ventures block, 
exclude, and foreclose multiple possible futures so as to orient us toward a 
single telos. That telos too often metastasizes the status quo, even as inserts 
the present into an anticipatory logic; paradoxically, the status quo, 
immunized and protected against change, becomes the way to actualize the 
future. These ventures materialize specific instruments (mortgages, gene 
therapy), techniques (medical imaging, data mining), and policies (airport 
security, nuclear safety). Central to these materializations is the imperative 
to enclose, to privatize, and to individualize—ironically, in the name of the 
collective, the public good, now increasingly mobilized as the metaphysics of 
the “market.”

In recent years, such risk cultures have been subject to formidable and 
necessary critique. Our fear is that only critique, however, loses sight of 
other confrontations of the future: creative open-ended encounters in which one 
embarks on a path of action without clearly “knowing” or foreseeing the future 
context of actualization. Scientists immortalize cells, potentiating research 
whose outcomes are uncertain; hacktivists rely on unknown participants to make 
a DDoS attack hurt; media pirates engage in brisk economies of film 
circulation, always with an eye on the law; parkour practitioners scale city 
walls to remake urban space; ecological activists stand chest-deep in water to 
occupy the life-worlds the coming big dams will soon wash away….one could 
multiply the situations in which we witness latent, unforeseen forces 
sabotaging individuated risk management. Against the privatizing risk cultures, 
then, one might pose these other modes of living with risk—those myriad and 
often-invisible risk cultures that encompass both singular, experimental 
artistic interventions and robust world-making popular practices.

empyre forum

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