----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
On behalf of all of us at -empyre soft-skinned space a thank Adam for
moderating this past month's discussion.  We were thrilled to hear from so
many new participants. Bioart, Materials, and Practice is a timely
discussion topic.  The issues involving technology and its intersections
with Biology change ever so quickly.  One of the reasons I find our
list-serve  so vital for my practice and teaching is the fact that it is a
direct way to stay abreast of emerging and changing topics.  Traditional
publishing methods via book presses and journals while important are a bit
too slow when dealing with such emergent topics.  Also, the discussion
format allows for creative exchanges to blossom as well. So thanks to you
and all of your guests. Adam we look forward to your hosting another topic

This month on -empyre Tim Murray and I will be hosting a discussion, "
Convergence:  Expanding Time-based Media"  We will be introducing the topic
on Friday as we are still pulling together the final guest list.  IF there
are any of our subscribers who would like to be a weekly guest please let
me know today.

Looking forward to it.  Renate

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:24 AM, Adam Nocek <ano...@uw.edu> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hi all,
> Alas, September at -empyre- has come to a close.  I'd like to thank both
> Renate and Tim for inviting me to moderate this month at -empyre-! I'd also
> especially like to thank this month's guests and subscribers for taking the
> time to participate in the discussion on bioart and its related themes.  I
> think we covered a truly exceptional amount of ground... so thanks. It was
> a lot of fun. I look forward to the discussion next month!
> My best,
> Adam
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum
> empyre@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> http://www.subtle.net/empyre


Renate Ferro
Visiting Assistant Professor of Art,
(contracted since 2004)
Cornell University
Department of Art, Tjaden Hall Office:  306
Ithaca, NY  14853
Email:   <rfe...@cornell.edu <r...@cornell.edu>>
URL:  http://www.renateferro.net
Lab:  http://www.tinkerfactory.net

Managing Co-moderator of -empyre- soft skinned space
empyre forum

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