----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Those are fascinating comments, John.  I've been interested in 
scale-independence as a strategy of copying for a while.  You find it in 
intriguing ways in Buddhism where you might have a Sutra, i.e. a teaching, that 
has a one word version, a 1000 word version, and a 100,000 word version ... and 
all are considered the same.  But how/why? This relates to my earlier comments 
about the enigma of sameness, and the notion of non-sensuous similarity.  In In 
Praise of Copying, one of the ways I approached this was through some of Morton 
Feldman's ideas about scale ... for Feldman, a large part of the creative 
process was deciding on what scale a deployment of certain elements starts to 
become powerful.

Could you say more about scale-independence as you're using the term? 

Sounds like a great dissertation ... what's the field of inquiry, if that isn't 
too intrusive a question?

As for your last two lines: the sameness of the null set, or "nothing" is 
precisely what I mean by a non-identical sameness!

But how do you see that operating in Douglas' book?


On 2014-06-13, at 1:19 PM, John Hopkins wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> figures like Alvin Lucier's physics mentor Edmond Dewan.  And I get the core
>> point about the natural history of media, and the ways in which what gets
>> called "technology" as a human endeavor, is necessarily embedded in these
>> natural strata -- geophysical energy, electromagnetic forces, and so on.
> Another strategy is to shift to scale-independence when considering EM 
> radiation -- or, more precisely, the idea that EM energy underlies all scales 
> of 'reality' as it is perceived by our body-systems as well as by all the 
> 'hearing', 'seeing' and other sensory instrumentation that we deploy to 
> provide us information about reality that our bodies cannot directly sense. 
> Another words, the nature of reality as we can model it here in words is 
> provided by EM radiation. And, ultimately, it is that narrow band of EM 
> radiation that we can directly perceive through which we determine our 
> complete impression of reality -- analog signals (energy) received by our 
> embodied configuration of energized matter.
> Furthermore, we are comprised by the fields and flows through which we 
> perceive: talk about the fish's conception of water!
> Technology may be framed as an applied re-configuration of energy (EM) flow 
> -- applied by humans who are themselves re-configurations of energy flows 
> that Life has 'imposed' on the cosmos.
> As I explore in my dissertation, "The Regime of Amplification", the 
> re-configurations are essentially the application of evolved protocols that 
> direct EM (energy) flows. From this point of view, widely divergent 'systems' 
> -- bio-systems, techno-social systems, self-organizing systems, geo-systems 
> -- may be more powerfully comprehended in their continuity with wider 
> phenomena (their complete embeddedness to all that surrounds them). No 
> phenomena is singular or unitary except by abstraction.
> Consider asking the question, from an old Cartesian pov: Where in the 
> universe is a 'space' that is not 'infused' with electromagnetic energy, or 
> is not comprised of EM energy?
> The answer is a null set: and this is what unifies all the chapters in 
> Douglas' book ...
> Cheers,
> John
> -- 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
> taking Manhattan as Berlin isn't possible right now
> http://tech-no-mad.net/blog/
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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