----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Phil -

the speaker, or through other forms of hardware is it possible to talk
about the materiality of data without having to account for the entire

That is exactly what I was pointing out with the D-to-A conversion process -- you have to include that 'part' of the system as any 'interaction' with 'the digital' requires the analog! And prior to all that you have had to go through the reverse, A-to-D to 'represent' the world in the digital. If you only look at the artifact-ness of the digital (which is impossible based on what I just wrote), it misses the concept (because it sees everything as discrete closed systems): 'digital' is a process, a flow, embedded in a wider open system of flows... imho, you *have* to account for the whole open system in order to make sense the relationships within it... Maybe impossible...


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
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