----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Thanks for the question and the possibility to try to say it more precisely. 
To ways to describe this come into my mind. The first follows Fanon and his 
rewriting of the master-slave-dialectics in Hegel’s „Introduction“ to his 
„Phenomenology". The master denies the recognition to the slave. But working 
for the master the slave gets able to develop a consciousness of herself by 
seeing herself producing things and changing the world. In the colonial 
situation of continuously performed cruelty, in a world strictly separated 
departed in two, the constant pain or negation prevents this possibility.
But I doubt that this this model of subjectivity is still useful. We no longer 
can think of mediation mainly in the logic of production of things: that the 
subject sees itself in the product, recognizes its abilities. Mediation perhaps 
is always new and changing, it is becoming of the subject itself. There is no 
subject before it emerges out of a scene, a dramatization. But this is a 
continuous process. 
When subjectivity is what emerges out of the indeterminacy of a play than it is 
possible to destroy the subject exactly by destroying this room to play 
(Spielraum in German). 

> Am 07.11.2014 um 20:50 schrieb simon <s...@clear.net.nz>:
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> On 08/11/14 04:48, Reinhold Görling wrote:
>> this lasting impact of violence is exactly the denial of recognition and the 
>> lack of mediation that is in the core of the theatricality of violence. 
>> Violence aims to produce an image of negation that occupies the victim, that 
>> colonizes the space of its subjectivity. (Isn’t subjectivity first of all a 
>> free space to relate images, thoughts, emotions, memories of being affected 
>> in an always and continuously new way, to dramatize
> Does violence at its core possess a theatricality which lacks mediation? 
> Perhaps it places the victim - and the victim of its images - at its core. 
> Where there is - and the 'there is' would constitute the moment of action 
> taking place in its 'theatricality' - a negation that occupies the victim... 
> by overcoming the individual? 
> The mediation is the impossible act of the subject, impossible to perform. Is 
> this why it is lacking?
> best,
> Simon
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