----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

Following up, with very small steps, on a few observations, if you allow.  

--  limits of performance, limits of "performance" (used for political terror 
and atrocities). Rustom does offer, at one point, the strong suggestion that we 
call a killing an act of atrocity. Yes. It causes revulsion, and not because it 
is bad art. 

-- a moral judgement, then, would be to condemn the killings and the violence 
and what Jon had called "slow terror", with its much larger political, social, 
economic and cultural ramification, and the worst of intentions. 

After listening to Jon early on, let me pick up up Ruston's reference to this 

>Jon makes us think of the terror of civility: 'With the best of intentions, 
>government, museums and universities have contributed to this slow terror, 
>which provides the backdrop for the fast and furious terror of ISIS, Boko 
>Haram, Abu Ghraib, Taliban and Latin American death squads.' This focus on 
>colliding speeds encompasses both the terror that hits/strikes in the blink of 
>an eye, and the terror that moves so slowly like a Noh dancer crossing the 
>stage with invisible stealth that one doesn't even see the movement until it 
>is completed with the deafening sound of wooden clappers.>>

I tried to connect this to Alan's drawing attention to the cuts in (arts) 
education or the neoliberal privatization of education (Alan names it a 'war on 
education') in the west,  and remembering what many have said here (about the 
powerlessness of art, the uselessness, as Alan emphasizes, of Picasso's  horse 
and bull), I think still that Christina has a point - "make evidence," "change 
the frames of the conversation" (well, Christina, your reference to the Lakoff 
article, I am not sure what to make of L's simplistic world view)......

-changing the frames of the conversation (what can poetry and art do, what can 
theatre do) and following Simon's crypts (collapsing Justice and the Law),  
have we succeeded at all, to change frames, or do we find ourselves now in 
midst of dissensus?  

Could we discuss Simon's provocation? 

<<Because to me the discussion has been strangely silent on politics - as if 
the swordhands at the beheadings were about to find Eichmann-like wriggle-room 
in the banality of bureaucratic 'just doing our jobs' ... When, as has been 
pointed out, the job is a sacred duty. So who is playing god? These are not 
person-less mechanisms. This shit doesn't just happen. Divine justice /is/ 
being visited on work-a-day legislated life-styles. Kafka is apposite. The 
absurdity, like the commonplace, are both 'hidings in  plain sight'. What they 
obscure is exactly what most effectively obtrudes - no, it is common; no, it is 
too absurd! Stupidity may in fact be infinite; fear may indeed induce 
paralysis: but the world we rehearse in our constructions, whether we own them 
as fantasy or reality, /theatricalises/ - takes place on its blood-soaked stage 
- in a certain way to gain certain ends for certain parties. When it asks of us 
that we bleed too, we can be sure ... that there is political profit in the ... 
 pop cultural obsession with zombies, undead; our images of art can seem so 
lifeless... and vampiric.>>

To stop tonight; here a short note from Hamed Taheri, when I asked him how his 
life was and whether he could participate here:

   <dear johannes, good to hear from you. I am fine and doing works which no 
one needs. Thank you for you email.>>

Another short memory note:  In 1997, during the spring, I met Abdel Hernández 
when he came, with a group of Latin American artists from Venezuela and Cuba, 
to Houston to stage his exhibitions and talks and performances: "The Market 
from Here."

>From here?   I was confused and gradually became entranced, over many weeks, 
>in this most strange and ludicrous undertaking, setting up a market in the 
>courtyard of the Rice University Anthropology Department, on the other side of 
>the Sculpture Department. The market displayed ready-mades, hundreds and 
>hundreds of small banal or partly unknown/unknowable [?] ready-mades, things, 
>potions (witchcraft?), spices, cloth, tools, relics, many small artifacts, 
>rocks, pebbles, dried food, amulets, heaven knows what. The market was open, 
>its "boundaries" (un)defined by a sort of plastic skin, painted like 
>parchment,  discolored by additional markings and weather, flapping in the 
>wind, a thin permeable membrane, resonant with curious questions I overheard, 
>there to here, here to there, from folks trading and bartering.

Johannes Birringer

empyre forum

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