
I think I've found a solution, which turned out to be a lot simpler than 
I'd thought ...

I made a change to line 71 of shell.js :

   var currentScriptUrl = ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER ? undefined : 
undefined : document.currentScript.src;

That seems to have done the trick, for me at least.  I haven't done 
extensive testing though.



On Thursday, 28 September 2017 15:41:10 UTC+1, David Claughton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a bit of trouble working out how to compile a project with 
> pthreads support where the project is based on autoconf.
> The docs say I need to pass -s USE_PTHREADS=1 to the compile stage as well 
> as when linking.  The simplest way to do that with a configure script is to 
> pass it in CFLAGS...
>     e.g. emconfigure ./configure CFLAGS="-s USE_PTHREADS=1"
> (That's from memory, I'm not at my home PC at the moment)
> The problem with doing that is the flag is used when compiling the feature 
> tests in the configure script and because those are run by Node, they all 
> fail.  Node doesn't have Web Workers so there's no way to make that work 
> AFAIK (although strictly speaking the actual failure is because the 
> pthreads code references the 'document' object).
> As far as solutions go I can think of a few possibilities:
> 1. Modify emcc to filter out the USE_PTHREADS flag when compiling a 
> conftest snippet.  The downside to that is if the feature test is actually 
> testing for pthreads support it will probably fail.
> 2. Switch to compiling the conftest snippets using native compilation.  
> This used to be the default last time I played with emscripten a few years 
> ago, but has the disadvantage that the features tests may find features 
> available on Linux/Windows that are unimplemented on emscripten and/or 
> javascript.  I assume this is why the default was switched to running them 
> in Node.
> 3. Somehow make pthreads code work on Node, at least to some extent.  
> There are npm modules that claim to implement Web Workers although I don't 
> know how well these work.  Alternatively maybe emscripten's pthread library 
> can be modified to run under node with most things doing a no-op, such that 
> code compiled with USE_PTHREADS but which is actually single-threaded will 
> run.  That might be enough to make conftests work, but I don't know how 
> much work that would be.
> Thoughts?  I'm prepared to accept I'm missing something obvious here ... 
> :-)
> Cheers,
> David.

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