
I'm writing an emscripten/webgpu app and Texture::GetFormat() is always 
returning 0. The texture is otherwise working and usable so I can work 
around it for now.

GetFormat works as expected with the same code built natively using the 
dawn lib, and GetWidth and GetHeight are also working fin on both 
emscripten and native.

Here's my texture creation code:

    wgpu::Extent3D size = {width, height, 1};

    wgpu::TextureDescriptor desc;
    desc.usage = usage;
    desc.dimension = wgpu::TextureDimension::e2D;
    desc.size = size;
    desc.format = format;
    desc.mipLevelCount = mipmap ? (uint32_t)std::floor(log2(std::min(width, 
height))) + 1 : 1;
    desc.sampleCount = 1;

    log() << "### Creating texture:" << (int)desc.format << desc.size.width 
<< desc.size.height;

    auto texture = device.CreateTexture(&desc);

    log() << "### Created texture:" << (int)texture.GetFormat() << 
texture.GetWidth() << texture.GetHeight();

I had a quick look at the library_webgpu.js code but the 2 lines there look 

Also, emscripten wgpu::Buffer appears to be missing the GetMapState() 
member, ditto 


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