Joseph Salowey (jsalowey) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled on
Friday, January 25, 2008 12:45 AM:

> So far I have only seen responses from Dan Harkins on the proposed
> charter update (
> )  

I'm a little confused: I interpreted the above-referenced message as a
call for consensus.  Was that correct?  If so, it seems like the
deadline came & went w/only the responses you mentioned from Dan.
Therefore, the (visible) consensus of the group (excluding yourself, as
Chair) expressed during the period of time allotted for comments was
that the password-based method (w/no tunnel involved) should _not_ be
removed from the charter, right?  If the people supporting the removal
couldn't be bothered to send comments for 2 weeks, I'm not sure that
their opinion should count afterwards: either there was a deadline or
there wasn't (surely we don't just continue to ask the question until we
get the answer we want).  OTOH, if the message was _not_ a consensus
call then it's not clear to me what the purpose was...

> Please respond on the list if you have reviewed the charter and have
> comments or if you approve of the current text.  Also make sure to
> review the milestones.  
> Thanks,
> Joe
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