Dave Nelson wrote:
>>   This is the first I've heard of an "implicit authentication 
>> action" in this context.
> We have NULL cipher-suites, why can't we have NULL authentication methods?  

  Yes, but it means we are far afield of the original discussion.

> My opinion is that is both "useful" *and* "inappropriate".  See my recent
> response to Steve Hanna's post.  I think that either the EMU WG or NEA WG
> needs to seek to amend the "domain of applicability" for EAP to explicitly
> include transport of authorization-related data, and be done with it.

  That's clear enough.

> That's the straightforward approach.   It avoids the need to cling to
> alternate definitions of well understood terms.  If you need to re-charter
> to gain that authority, then so be it.  IMHO, this whole discussion looks
> like an end-run around the "domain of applicability" restrictions for EAP.

  I agree it does look that way.  I don't even think that's a wrong
characterization of the issue.

> Shall we take the high road here?  At the very least, you could seek
> clarification from the IESG as to whether they think that the current
> "domain of applicability" for EAP embraces the "additional data" you want to
> include.  After all, enforcement of "applicability statements" is a very hit
> or miss thing in the IETF.  You may get lucky.  :-)

  I would prefer to get WG consensus first.  If the WG believes it's a
good idea, the re-chartering process becomes simpler.

  Alan DeKok.
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