Alan commented that section 4.3.3 dealing with mandatory attributes
should better define what is meant by mandatory attributes.  I agree
with this.  Alan provided some text which describes behavior that may be
too specific for a requirements document.  For example, I'm not sure it
is appropriate for a NAK to result in a failed authentication in all
cases. Alan's text is copied below.  Are folks happy with this text or
is there other specific text that should go in this document.  

" 4.3.3.  Mandatory and Optional Attributes

   The payload MUST support marking of mandatory and optional
   attributes, as well as a "NAK" attribute used to communicate
   disagreements about received attributes.

   Mandatory attributes are attributes that a receiver MUST process as
   per the specification.  Optional attributes are attributes that a
   receiver MAY ignore.

   A receiver MUST process mandatory attributes before optional ones.
   After an attribute has been processed, it SHOULD be marked as no
   longer being mandatory.  If a receiver does not process a mandatory
   attribute, it MUST ignore everything else in a request, and it MUST
   send a NAK attribute in response.  Similarly, if a receiver expects
   a mandatory attribute and does not receive one in a request, it MUST
   send a NAK attribute in the response that contains the set of
   attributes it expected to receive.

   A peer that either sends or receives a NAK attribute MUST treat
   the session as failing authentication.

   The NAK attribute MUST support a description of which mandatory
   attribute is either required, or is not supported.  The NAK attribute
   MUST be otherwise treated as an optional attribute, and it MUST NOT
   contain a NAK of the NAK attribute, in order to prevent infinite

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