On 5/23/2011 7:45 PM, Stefan Winter wrote:

> Hi,
>> two suggestions for the new name (assuming that the Deciders establish
>> that a new type is a good idea), just to get the ball rolling: Tunneled
>> Extensible Authentication Method (TEAM, an oldie but goody) and Internet
>> (or IETF) Tunneled EAP Method (ITEM).
> Crazy thought: how about EAP-TUNNEL?
> Yes, I know, not an acronym, just a plain old English word which makes
> sense on its own - which probably breaks several "but it needs to be a
> four-letter acronym, preferably a nicely sounding one, with a strange
> expansion which is obviously reverse-engineered from the acronym to
> sound cool" policies.

Actually, I was pleasantly surprised that "Internet Tunneled EAP Method"
turned out to be ITEM but in any case...I'm sure that there is no policy
except maybe having a little fun ;-).  Maybe that should be against
policy?  I do think that EAP-TUNNEL is both grammatically incorrect
(since "tunnel" is a common noun it shouldn't be capitalized, let alone
ALL CAPS :-).  Also, I wonder if it isn't a bit too generic: there are a
whole bunch of PEAP clones (sorry, tunneled methods) already: TTLS,
FAST, etc., all of which could be reasonably referred to as "EAP TUNNEL".


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