One question related to EAP-TLS is what do we do with other TLS-based EAP 

  i.e. EAP-TTLS, PEAP, and EAP-FAST all define key derivations based on the PRF 
in TLS 1.2.  Since that's no longer available with TLS 1.3, *all* of these 
methods will not work with TLS 1.3.

  The simplest way to fix this is to change the key derivation in 

   Key_Material = TLS-Exporter("client EAP encryption KM", "", 128)
   IV           = TLS-Exporter("client EAP encryption IV", "", 64)
   Session-Id   = TLS-Exporter("client EAP encryption ID", "", 64)

  The second argument to the TLS-Exporter function is the "context".  In this 
case, an empty string.  That could be changed to a one-byte value containing 
the EAP type.  This changes nothing (effectively) for EAP-TLS.  Plus, it allows 
natural extensions to the other TLS-based EAP methods.  They could just change 
that one byte, and enable TLS 1.3.

  Even if that isn't done, I think the proposal is the simplest way to fix the 
other EAP methods.  The EAP-TLS document could then just say "other EAP methods 
based on TLS can change the byte to their EAP type".

  I think a minor change to the draft && one sentence is preferable to writing 
a new document to define this change.

  Or, the charter already has a line item for:

- Define session identifiers for fast re-authentication for
EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, and EAP-AKA’. The lack of this definition
is a recently discovered bug in the original RFCs.

  I owe the WG a document for that.  If the above change isn't accepted, I can 
add some text on TLS 1.3 key derivation, too.  The document could then be a 
generic "fix keys in EAP methods" document.

  Alan DeKok.

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