
I have several questions about TEAP TLS session resume since I am not sure
I succeeded to interpret the relevant sections of RFC 7170 and RFC 5077

1) Does it make sense for TEAP server to support both TLS session resume
using server state and TLS session resume using PAC? Should the server have
an explicit configuration of which type of session resume it supports? In
EAP-FAST there was a dedicated stage of PAC provisioning (Phase 0) that
typically ended with PAC provisioning to the client inside the tunnel.
However TEAP RFC says that PAC should be provisioned either as TLS session
ticket after client sent empty TLS SessionTicket extension or in Phase 2
after client requested a PAC in Request-Action TLV + PAC TLV. So in TEAP
PAC provisioning is always initiated by the client. This gives the server a
chance to presume that if the client didn’t ask for PAC - it doesn’t
support PACs and thus the server should save TLS state of this conversation
in its memory for subsequent TLS session resume using server state.

2) Should it be a restriction for the total time of TLS session resume
using PAC as it exists for TLS session resume using server state? RFC 5077
says that if the conversation was resumed using SessionTicket then the
server can provide a new SessionTicket. Every SessionTicket has its
lifetime restriction but the total time of sequential conversations that
apply TLS session resume using SessionTicket (PAC) is not restricted. I.e.
there is no requirement to conduct a full TLS handshake once per specific
time interval. Doesn’t it create a security issue? Or is it totally on
client's responsibility to conduct a full TLS handshake once per specific
time so the client can verify TLS server's certificate?

3) TEAP RFC says: "If the PAC-Opaque included in the

   SessionTicket extension is valid and the EAP server permits the

   abbreviated TLS handshake, it will select the ciphersuite from

   information within the PAC-Opaque and finish with the abbreviated TLS


What is the reason for storing ciphersuite in the PAC and using it in TLS
session resume using PAC, if server can anyway control the ciphersuites to
eliminate weak cipher usage?

Thank you in advance for your answers,

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