
  In a private thread on teap-brski the topic of co-location of the TEAP server and the BRSKI registrar was brought up. It was suggested that the discussion
move to these lists to get more input from the experts.

  In draft-lear-eap-teap-brski-02 the architecture shows a the TEAP server and the BRSKI registrar as separate while mentioning that they can be co-located.
The following assumes they are not co-located.

  The BRSKI pledge in this draft is called a "device" and the device establishes a provisional TLS connection (through TEAP) to the TEAP server over 802.1X or something similar. The device does not connect to the registrar. The device then creates a voucher request and sends it to the TEAP server using a newly defined TEAP TLV. The registrar signs the request, forwards it onto a MASA, and sends the voucher it gets back from the MASA to the device using another newly defined TEAP

  So the question is, will this even work? If the TEAP server and BRSKI registrar are separate entities then the voucher will include the TEAP server's EE certificate but it will be signed by the registrar's EE certificate. From my admittedly limited understanding of BRSKI I think the MASA will reject this voucher request because it fails the "proximity" check (if I understand the proximity check correctly). The
MASA will treat the registrar as a man-in-the-middle.

  BRSKI folks: is this correct? Will a voucher request be rejected from a deployment
like this?

  EMU folks: if the answer from the BRSKI folks is that this doesn't work then is there any sort of weird tunneling or "phase 2" trickery that can be added to TEAP to get this to work or should we just explicitly state that the TEAP server and the registrar
are the same entity (they authenticate with the same certificate)?



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