Hi Mohit,

See below. Thanks for your super quick response.

From: Mohit Sethi M <mohit.m.se...@ericsson.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 12:25 PM
To: Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@arm.com>; Mohit Sethi M 
<mohit.m.se...@ericsson.com>; emu@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Emu] Commitment Message in draft-ietf-emu-eap-tls13

Hi Hannes,
On 6/16/20 12:37 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
Hi Mohit,

I had a chance to read through the emails you provided. A good discussion.

I can offer three solutions:

  1.  Use EAP-Success / EAP-Failure as an indication for the completion of the 
exchange, even if it is not a reliable notification mechanism. If the EAP peer 
does not receive the NewSessionTicket message then it does not matter because 
it is optional to use anyway. It will be a failure case anyway if the 
EAP-Success / EAP-Failure got lost. They EAP peer may not even know whether the 
exchange was successful despite correctly processing TLS handshake messages.
I am uncomfortable doing this without updating RFC 3748. Not only will we be 
violating RFC 3748, we would still have the problem of peer uncertainty about 
the next message. It could be a NewSessionTicket or EAP-Success/Failure.

[Hannes] What is done in EAP today?

  1.  Demand that the NewSessionTicket is sent immediately after the Finished, 
very much like you currently demand that the Commitment Message is attached to 
the last message.

I assume that you imply immediately after the server has sent its TLS Finished 
(and not after the server has received the TLS Finished from the peer)? Are you 
also implying that a NewSessionTicket should always be sent out, regardless of 
whether a server wants or supports resumption? What if the server is issuing 
several tickets?

[Hannes] I would leave it as an option to send a NewSessionTicket but it is 
sent then it has to be in the last message. Here is the exchange:

Case 1: NewSessionTicket Message Sent

    EAP Peer                                              EAP Server

                                 <--------                  Identity
    Identity (Privacy-Friendly)  -------->
                                 <--------                (TLS Start)
   (TLS ClientHello)             -------->
                                                    (TLS ServerHello,
                                             TLS EncryptedExtensions,
                                              TLS CertificateRequest,
                                                     TLS Certificate,
                                               TLS CertificateVerify,
                                 <--------              TLS Finished,
                                               TLS NewSessionTicket)
   (TLS Certificate,
    TLS CertificateVerify,
    TLS Finished)                -------->
                                 <--------               EAP-Success

Case 2: No ticket sent

    EAP Peer                                              EAP Server

                                 <--------                  Identity
    Identity (Privacy-Friendly)  -------->
                                 <--------                (TLS Start)
   (TLS ClientHello)             -------->
                                                    (TLS ServerHello,
                                             TLS EncryptedExtensions,
                                              TLS CertificateRequest,
                                                     TLS Certificate,
                                               TLS CertificateVerify,
                                 <--------              TLS Finished)
   (TLS Certificate,
    TLS CertificateVerify,
    TLS Finished)                -------->
                                 <--------               EAP-Success

  1.  Use the Commitment Message as an application layer payload (encrypted as 
it should be). (Note that this has nothing to do with early data.) If the 
OpenSSL spec does not support an application layer message from the server 
right after the finish then it is not compliant to the TLS 1.3 RFC.

How would that work? How can server send encrypted application layer payload 
without having received the TLS Finished from the peer.

[Hannes] Here is a copy-and-paste from the TLS spec:

       Client                                           Server

Key  ^ ClientHello
Exch | + key_share*
     | + signature_algorithms*
     | + psk_key_exchange_modes*
     v + pre_shared_key*       -------->
                                                  ServerHello  ^ Key
                                                 + key_share*  | Exch
                                            + pre_shared_key*  v
                                        {EncryptedExtensions}  ^  Server
                                        {CertificateRequest*}  v  Params
                                               {Certificate*}  ^
                                         {CertificateVerify*}  | Auth
                                                   {Finished}  v
                               <--------  [Application Data*]
     ^ {Certificate*}
Auth | {CertificateVerify*}
     v {Finished}              -------->
       [Application Data]      <------->  [Application Data]

The TLS 1.3 spec says:
   Note that while the
   server may send Application Data prior to receiving the client's
   Authentication messages, any data sent at that point is, of course,
   being sent to an unauthenticated peer.

The question is whether the aspect of sending data to an unauthenticated peer 
matters in this case? I would argue that it does not matter because the 
currently defined Commitment message is unencrypted.

While I am open to discussing better alternatives, I think from an 
implementation perspective, it makes sense to have a definite notification 
mechanism for the server to notify the peer that no more post-handshake 
messages are to be expected.

[Hannes] I am trying to find out how to implement this functionality into our 
stack and it looks painful (developer-visible API changes). Of course, it is 
difficult to accommodate for not yet invented post-handshake authentication 
messages. We don't even know whether they will be compatible with the network 
access authentication use case.



PS: I believe it would be good to highlight this specific aspect in the 
introduction of the document. For me it appeared that the specification is 
largely a copy-and-paste job but this clearly is something worth highlighting 
to the reader/implementer.

The current solution in the draft, for example, does not work with Mbed TLS 
because you cannot tell the stack to suddenly bypass the encryption layer 
(after successfully establishing it) to send a plaintext message.


From: Mohit Sethi M 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 3:52 PM
To: Hannes Tschofenig 
Subject: Re: [Emu] Commitment Message in draft-ietf-emu-eap-tls13

Hi Hannes,

Unfortunately you are wrong here. The design decision was in fact taken to 
avoid changes to the underlying TLS implementation while also avoiding changes 
to RFC 3748. To summarize:

Jouni Malinen pointed out that mapping session resumption of TLS 1.3 to EAP-TLS 
is non-trivial. See his email here: 
Essentially, TLS 1.3 allows a server to send a Post-Handshake message with a 
NewSessionTicket at any time. However, in EAP-TLS this is not possible. The TLS 
tunnel is torn down after authentication. John notes in his response to Jouni 
(https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/emu/nNUw61cTvHgWj8F0sOVRoICUzlk/) "in 
TLS the connection is assumed to stay open for a long time after the client 
sends Finished, in EAP the connection is assumed to be closed shortly after."

An earlier cleaner way of sending NewSessionTicket required an extra round trip 
and left the peer uncertain about the next message 
(https://tools.ietf..org/html/draft-ietf-emu-eap-tls13-00#section-2.1.1). Jouni 
highlighted this uncertainty for a peer: " the peer has no idea whether the 
NewSessionTicket is delivered after ClientFinished. In other words, the next 
message in the sequence could be either continuation of EAP-TLS method or 
EAP-Success". You ask "why cannot the EAP-Success or EAP-Failure serve that 
purpose?". See RFC 3748 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3748) which says the 

   Implementation Note: Because the Success and Failure packets are not

   acknowledged, they are not retransmitted by the authenticator, and

   may be potentially lost.  A peer MUST allow for this circumstance as

   described in this note.

 On the peer, after success result indications have been exchanged by

   both sides, a Failure packet MUST be silently discarded.  The peer

   MAY, in the event that an EAP Success is not received, conclude that

   the EAP Success packet was lost and that authentication concluded


Thus, EAP-Success cannot be used as a reliable notification mechanism. Till 
version 05 of the document, we used an empty application data record as a 
notification of the last handshake message. The text said:

When an EAP server has sent its last handshake message (Finished or a

   Post-Handshake), it commits to not sending any more handshake

   messages by appending an empty application data record (i..e. a TLS

   record with TLSPlaintext.type = application_data and

   TLSPlaintext.length = 0) to the last handshake record.  After sending

   an empty application data record, the EAP server may only send an

   EAP-Success, an EAP-Failure, or an EAP-Request with a TLS Alert

However, Jouni in a later response 
(https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/emu/WA8OREhTsF8JEPvaixGoCwmd1qY/) noted 
that such behavior is non-trivial to achieve with OpenSSL. He notes " OpenSSL 
is not willing to send such an empty TLSPlaintext structure. SSL_write() has 
following to say : 'You should not call SSL_write() with num=0, it will return 
an error. SSL_write_ex() can be called with num=0, but will not send 
application data to the peer.'"

Therefore, the text was later updated to:

 When an EAP server has sent its last handshake message (Finished or a

   Post-Handshake), it commits to not sending any more handshake

   messages by sending a Commitment Message.  The Commitment Message is

   a TLS record with application data 0x00 (i.e. a TLS record with

   TLSPlaintext.type = application_data, TLSPlaintext.length = 1, and

   TLSPlaintext.fragment = 0x00).  Note that the length of the plaintext

   is greater than the corresponding TLSPlaintext.length due to the

   inclusion of TLSInnerPlaintext.type and any padding supplied by the

   sender.  EAP server implementations MUST set TLSPlaintext.fragment to

   0x00, but EAP peer implementations MUST accept any application data

   as a Commitment Message from the EAP server to not send any more handshake 

There is still a challenge in scenarios where a server chooses not to issue any 
NewSessionTicket. In this email: 
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/emu/PgGjhmafbbSJCcQctDsFw7AvNmU/ Jouni 
notes this problem:

I did see some issues when OpenSSL 1.1.1 when disabling sending of

session tickets, though. The current draft indicates that the empty

Application Data payload would be send out in the same EAP packet with

the server's Finished message, i.e., before the server having

authenticated the peer. And this would be done without the peer having

used TLS early data (which is explicitly disallowed in the draft). That

combination did not work with my experiments since OpenSSL was rejecting

the SSL_write() operation after the server having written own Finished

message, but before having received the Finished message from the peer..

The OpenSSL documentation seemed to imply that SSL_write_early_data()

could be used by the server _if_ the client first sent early data.. At

least in my tests, OpenSSL rejected that call without early data from

the client.

This is why the current text also says the following:

 The Commitment Message may be sent in the same

   EAP-Request as the last handshake record or in a separate EAP-

   Request.  Sending the Commitment Message in a separate EAP-Request

   adds an additional round-trip, but may be necessary in TLS

   implementations that only implement a subset of TLS 1.3.  In the case

   where the server sends the Commitment Message in a separate EAP-

   Request, the conversation will appear as shown in Figure 9.  After

   sending the Commitment Message, the EAP server may only send an EAP-

   Success, an EAP-Failure, or an EAP-Request with a TLS Alert Message.

Thus, the current design decision has been guided by parallel implementation 
experience and it is the best solution we could come up with (given all the 
practical limitations).

On 6/12/20 11:36 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
Hi all,

This has probably been discussed extensively in the EMU group. I am sorry to 
bring it up again but I believe this is a bad design decision. I raised it in 
my short review just sent to the list but I believe it is worthwhile to point 
it out separately.

draft-ietf-emu-eap-tls13 introduces a new message to EAP-TLS, namely the 
Commitment Message. This requires extra code in an implementation because the 
normal behavior would be to run a TLS stack and then send encrypted data.
EAP-TLS does, however, not send application data*. This message changes this. 
Not only does it not send encrypted application data it requires an 
implementation to transmit a plaintext application data record after the 
application traffic secret has been created and before that application traffic 
secret is used to protect post handshake messages. This will make it difficult 
to re-use an off-the-shelf TLS 1.3 stack.

There is very little motivation about this message other than


   When an EAP server has sent its last handshake message (Finished or a

   Post-Handshake), it commits to not sending any more handshake

   messages by sending a Commitment Message.


I might miss something important here but why cannot the EAP-Success or 
EAP-Failure serve that purpose?

Here are two examples to explain what I mean:

  1.  Failed exchange

    EAP Peer                                              EAP Server


                                 <--------                  Identity


    Identity (Privacy-Friendly)  -------->



                                 <--------                (TLS Start)



   (TLS ClientHello)             -------->



                                                    (TLS ServerHello,

                                             TLS EncryptedExtensions,

                                              TLS CertificateRequest,

                                                     TLS Certificate,

                                               TLS CertificateVerify,

                                                        TLS Finished,

                                 <--------        Commitment Message)



   (TLS Certificate,

    TLS CertificateVerify,

    TLS Finished)                -------->



                                 <--------          (TLS Fatal Alert)


    EAP-Type=EAP-TLS             -------->

                                 <--------               EAP-Failure

  1.  Successful Exchange with Post-Handshake NewSession Ticket

    EAP Peer                                              EAP Server


                                 <--------                  Identity


    Identity (Privacy-Friendly)  -------->



                                 <--------                (TLS Start)



   (TLS ClientHello)             -------->



                                                    (TLS ServerHello,

                                             TLS EncryptedExtensions,

                                              TLS CertificateRequest,

                                                     TLS Certificate,

                                               TLS CertificateVerify,

                                 <--------              TLS Finished)



   (TLS Certificate,

    TLS CertificateVerify,

    TLS Finished)                -------->



                                               (TLS NewSessionTicket,

                                 <--------        Commitment Message)


    EAP-Type=EAP-TLS             -------->

                                 <--------               EAP-Success


(*): FWIW Post handshake messages are protected with the application traffic 

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