Errata 5128:
Proposed State: Verified

Section 5.2. says

IMCK[j] = TLS-PRF(S-IMCK[j-1], "Inner Methods Compound Keys",
                IMSK[j], 60)

It should say:

IMCK[j] = TLS-PRF(S-IMCK[j-1], "Inner Methods Compound Keys", IMSK[j] | 60)

According to

RFC5246 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2

5. HMAC and the Pseudorandom Function

"TLS's PRF is created by applying P_hash to the secret as:

PRF(secret, label, seed) = P_<hash>(secret, label + seed)"

In terms of P_<hash> this would look like the following with the length
represented as a 2 byte value in network byte order:

IMCK[j] = P_<hash>(S-IMCK[j-1], "Inner Methods Compound Keys" | IMSK[j] |
0x00 | 0x3C)
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