Based on the previous WGLC and feedback received on this WGLC, I believe
there's consensus in the WG to forward this document on to the IESG. Thank
you everyone who supplied input and to the authors for getting the document
this far.

Peter and Joe

------ Original message:

This is a second working group last call for EAP-AKA' PFS
(draft-ietf-emu-aka-pfs-08)[1]. As you will recall, this document had its
original WGLC in August. Feedback was minimal but positive. As briefed
during IETF 115[2], Jari and his colleagues have updated the document in
several key areas[3]. We agreed during the meeting that a WGLC was
reasonable and there have been no updates since then. So, please review the
document and respond to the list indicating if the document is or is not
ready for publication. This call will end on December 29, 2022, when you
probably couldn't care less because of the holidays. Nonetheless, your
feedback would be greatly appreciated. Even a "looks good" would be helpful.

As before, please note that the document is targeted at the Informational
track and has IPR declarations[4]. 


Peter and Joe


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