On Mar 30, 2023, at 1:06 PM, Eliot Lear <l...@lear.ch> wrote:
> This is one of two PRs I said I would deliver.  There is now text for CSR 
> attributes in TEAP.[1]  As we discussed in the WG meeting, I have linked that 
> work to the LAMPS draft on CSR Attributes.  The text essentially leverages 
> RFC 7030 with one modification- there is no need to based64 encode/decode.
> I've also modified the appropriate table to indicate how and when it can be 
> offered.  This is sort of treated as a request by the server in that table, 
> but really it is an informational element. The client will be doing something 
> similar for identity-type because it will be sending what would otherwise be 
> a gratuitious response.  What's important for implementations is simply to 
> note the values of the TLVs in each case, as now further protocol machinery 
> is invoked.
> Could you please review this text?

  I think it looks good.  I'll merge it in shortly.

> I have also opened up one new issue.  It became clear in the meeting that we 
> have an additional deficit in the draft, which is that there is no example 
> flow for PKCS#10/PKCS#7 transactions.  I would like to add that flow, and so 
> I opened an issue.  I am hoping to provide that text in the next week or so 
> as well.

  Sounds good, thanks.

  I also need to add text on the Identity-Hint TLV.   And after that I think 
the document is pretty much done.

  Are there any other issues we need to address?  The EMU minutes aren't up 
yet, but I think that's it.

  Alan DeKok,

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