The following new press release has been posted on EndeavorLink at 


  TEXT:  (#50) Corporate: Accurate American History-Top Secret In 
  AUTHOR:   Arlene Johnson 
  DATE:     Sunday, 7 October 2001, at 4:57 p.m. 

News Source, Inc. began to publish Top Secret American History in March, 2001 
which was distributed to the entire world. The extensively documented 
periodical is quarterly with distribution dates of March, June, September, and 
December at the beginning of the month. 

True Democracy has a Spanish title. That is La verdad sobre la democracia 
which was given because it was Argentina which published the cover-up of the 
20th Century, the real reason why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. 

This periodical is only on the News Source, inc. Web site. There is 
speculation that it could at some time be available to the U.S. and possibly 
Canada in hard back copy. However, at the present time, the magazine will 
still only be on the Web site under password access. 

To allow people all over the world access to the truth and power that this 
unique periodical affords, it has been free to every interested person. That 
free access will end after the December, 2001 edition. However, it will be 
very inexpensive so the maximum amount of people will be able to afford it. 
That doesn't include the hard copy. The hard copy price is yet to be 

True Democracy must be in color. The reader will understand if and when they 
read the first edition. 

All the demands are different in each edition. No demand is repeated so to 
have the maximum affect, all the Demand pages should be sent to the Speaker of 
the House together from each of the editions so the Congress will be compelled 
to act on all of them instead of just from one edition. 

The boycott aspect of the periodical is what makes it unique. That boycott is 
for vacation only. This does not include visiting family or going on business; 
it is only vacation by the people who can afford to travel. 

People who are too poor and who live in poor regions of the world can elect to 
boycott for products instead. The reason why products are not feasible for 
First World countries is due to the fact that the U.S. public schools are not 
participating in the boycott by and large. Only a few public schools care 
enough to partipate. The rest simply don't care that the U.S. hegemony is a 
beligerent against poor countries so the entire Congress is ignoring those of 
us who have sent the Demand page making it impossible to boycott every state's 

I have a secure site for credit cards and accept checks or money orders made 
payable to News Source, Inc. in U.S. dollars. 

The address where checks/money orders should be sent is on the main page of my 
Web site. 

True Democracy is designed to solve problems the world faces whether it is 
human rights, environmental, animal rights, or anything which affects the 
people of the world. 

It is intended to be published indefinitely at under 
the icon "Magazine." The current password for the first four editions is the 
word FREEDOM. There will be an index at some point in time done by a 
professional indexer. Currently, there is no index. 

Readers are encouraged to read everything as everything is published for the 
benefit of the reader. 


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