On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Fabiana Simões <fabianapsim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On 4 March 2014 09:47, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me> wrote:
>> I was planning on doing 1:1 correspondance.  I had actually looked
>> into buying cookies with teh GNOME logo on it as an ice breaker.  I
>> got that idea from a gal who works at a bakery and was waiting at an
>> airport heading back to Portland.
> That sounds like a lovely idea :) I guess we won't have time to put it
> in practice for SXSW, but maybe next time?

Yeah, I did try to do it early but the lady didn't come back to me.
It would ahve cost me $78 dollars to have 24 cookies with the GNOME
logo on it (minimum).

>> Karen thought that getting some fliers printed out is a good first
>> step and give them out at concerts and what not.
> Is this sorted out? Do you need any help?

I'm working on it, Karen and I had a call yesterday and we worked out
some action items:

* Poster for the event
* we decided not to do business cards, and isntead we will try to get
people's contact addresses and follow up
* I'm two minds for the fliers, but I think I might print if I have
time.  Otherwise, I'll try to do something in Austin to print them

* We need the engagement team to start tweeting about GNOME's presence
at SXSW, definitely try to tweet about Karen's talk at SXSW.  I'll be
doing some of that as well.
* I created an account at SXSW, and tried to plugin to the social
scene, but I didn't really get anywhere.  Everything required some
amount of money.  You can easily blow about 5K on this
* Attending like minded talks on Saturday (Sri), and also try to find
other communities that know about community management, outreach,
and/or marketing

>> Maybe we could get the engagement team to do some twitter
>> stuff using the #sxsw hashtag?
> What do you have in mind exactly? Would be happy to give a hand with that!

So on Friday, let's start tweeting about GNOME at #sxsw, and also talk
about Karen's talk as well.  We can all try to re-tweet as many times
as we can.
Tweet about the GNOME event on Saturday at the Muddys(?) which is near
the conference center.  Get people to retweet that.

> Are there any talks or events should keep an idea on? I'm not really
> familiar with the schedule.

There are some good talks, and Karen and suggest one other talk from
the EFF I believe I can't remember.


The sheer number of talks will boggle your mind!  We must plan for
next year and talk about UX, GNOME, and Free Software.  This will be a
great place to do that kind of outreach.

>> But honestly, the outreach to get GNOME's name out is not the only
>> driver.  We are also looking to see how  other orthogonal
>> organizations do community outreach, or work with others. I'm looking
>> for ideas that we could apply to our community that has worked
>> successfully in others.  Something different.  Something fresh.
> Yeah, SXSW definitely sounds like a good field for some research.
> Looking forward to hear your insights when you're both back :)

It sure is! :)


> - Fabiana
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