Hi All,

We're putting together content in order to update GNOME's birthday website
<http://happybirthdaygnome.org/> for its 20th anniversary. There's a
section where we want to include fun facts and trivia, but we need your
help populating it.

I've included what we have so far below, but please add your edits to the
etherpad <https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/bday_website_content>. Are there any
other facts or trivia you'd like to add? Can you help us finish the ones we
have so far? ;)



*Fun Facts/Trivia Page*

*1. **Why are we called GNOME?*
GNOME was initially an acronym for *GNU Network Object Model Environment*
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME

*2. What have been GNOME's mascots over the years? *


source: you?

*3. Who won the presitigious Pants Award 10 years ago, at GUADEC 2007?  *
Federico Mena Quintero won the prestigious Pants Award at GUADEC 2007,
which was held in Birmingham, UK. The Pants Award is given to an
outstanding GNOME contributor each year.
source: https://wiki.gnome.org/Pants

*4. Which recent movies and TV shows has GNOME made a cameo appearance in? *
 * Antitrust (2001) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0218817/
 * Mr. Robot (2015) http://www.usanetwork.com/mrrobot/episodes/season-1

*5. How many GNOME Foundation members are there as of June 2017?*

We currently have 230 GNOME Foundation members as of June 2017.

source: https://www.gnome.org/foundation/membership/


*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless <http://endlessm.com/>
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