Hey Link,

As you know, I love your post idea! I just noticed a couple of changes I'd

   - First sentence "GNOME 3.26 *is* almost here" - looks like you're
   missing that middle "is"
   - Might change "Plan one, obviously!" to "You can plan your own!"
   - In the sentence "The Engagement Team
   <https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement> may have extra stickets on hand"
   there's a typo in the word "stickers"
   - I might change: "There is funding available to help organize release
   parties. Check out the Events page
   details" to " Whether you're a foundation member or not, you can request
   funding for your party by following the steps on the Events page

Let me know if you have any questions :) and feel free to use or not use
any of the above!

- Cassandra

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:38 PM, Link Dupont <l...@sub-pop.net> wrote:

> Hello Engagement,
> I've drafted a post that we hope to put up on the Engagement Blog on
> Monday about hosting a GNOME Release Party. I borrowed *heavily* from a
> post Rosanna made on her blog about a year ago, so much credit goes to her
> for this. I reworded it slightly with the intention of making it more clear
> to non-native English speakers. And I hope to write something that can be
> reposted (with minor updates) each new release. Please let me know if you
> feel anything should be added/removed/changed.
> ~link
> ------------------------------------------
> *Celebrate GNOME with a Release Party*
> GNOME 3.26 almost here. A new GNOME release is a milestone worth
> celebrating. It is a great reason to get together with other GNOME
> community members and celebrate.
> Is there already a release party in your area
> <https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/ReleaseParties/ThreePointTwentysix#Locations>?
> If there is, feel free to join. Release Parties are open to all GNOME
> enthusiasts. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet other GNOME users.
> But what if there isn't one planned near enough for you attend? Plan one,
> obviously!
> A release party can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be;
> anything from getting a group together for celebratory drinks to a big
> event with decorations, food, and swag.
> Some quick tips on organizing your own party:
> ** Have a rough estimate of the number of guests.* While release parties
> tend to be open to anyone, it's a good idea to take a quick measure of who
> might be attending. Send a note on social media or local mailing lists
> asking who is interested.
> * *Have swag!* If you have time and inclination, having GNOME stickers or
> other swag to give out is always popular. The Engagement Team
> <https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement> may have extra stickets on hand;
> don't hesitate to ask.
> ** Have provisions!* No party is complete without food. It can be
> something you provide, a potluck, or even a restaurant where guests can
> purchase food. There is funding available to help organize release parties.
> Check out the Events page
> <https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/ReleaseParties/ThreePointTwentysix#Reimbursements>
> for details.
> * *Select a time and location.* Knowing what kind of party you are
> planning should help you decide on a location. Is there a local coffee
> house that would let you host your event if people plan on purchasing food
> and drink there? Or if it is a smaller group, maybe a local bar. For a
> larger group, consider a local park or a room in the local community center.
> * *Announce your bash.* Let others know about your event by announcing it
> to the local user groups, posting it on social media, and adding it to the 
> Events
> page
> <https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/ReleaseParties/ThreePointTwentysix#Locations>.
> Have fellow enthusiasts help spread the word.
> * *Take lots of pictures!* Everyone loves to see what fun release parties
> can be. Make sure you take pictures of the party in action and share your
> photos with GNOME <https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement/Photos/HowTo> so we
> can share them among the community.
> * *Pat yourself on the back.* Thank you! You are helping cultivate the
> feeling of community that GNOME relies on.
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> engagement-list@gnome.org
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