I have a number of things I have to do today, some even GNOME related. :-)
So I'm going to cancel the meeting unless someone wants to run it.  I will
have a follow up engagement meeting on Sunday if people want to do attend
that.  Details will follow.

This week, was spent working on social meda posts for the various patreons
that you can find at http://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/engagement/issues.

If you want something to do for the engagement hour, please take a look at
them.  We need to figure out when to post them.  Nuritizi suggested making
December Patreon month which I thought was a good idea.

Other things that you can use your spare time for is working on bug squash
month and see how many of them been squashed and maybe post on the bug
month squash issue some metrics that we can use to tweet using the GNOME

Georges created a GNOME brasil twitter account.  So we'll need to figure
out how we manage social media accounts going forward.  Ideas are welcome.
It might be worth putting it as an issue as well that we can work on.

Finally, I'm really loving using the gitlab issue system as I feel a lot
more productive and many things have been done. I never feel confused on
what is in flight.

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