On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 7:16 AM, Allan Day <a...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Replying selectively...
> Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
>> There was already one in the US when I was on the board, what's happened to 
>> it?
>> https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/Box/NorthAmerica
> As far as I know, Emily still has it. This has been discussed at
> various points while I've been on the board and I'm not entirely sure
> what the current status is. It's possible that we decided that the box
> is too big to be practical, but I might be wrong about that.

Its still sitting in my basement. I'd be happy to be rid of it -
there's not much in it, nor was there when I got it 5 or so yrs ago.
Somebody attempted to have it picked up, but didn't bother to tell me
when, till the UPS guy showed up at my house at random one day, and I
hadn't so much as gotten the sticker sent to me, let alone been told
it was being picked up so had time to have friends help me haul it out
of the basement. If somebody wants to set up to have it shipped out
I'd be happy to coordinate, but the last time that was tried a yr or
two ago I wasn't told or communicated with... and then UPS was pissed.
So, yeah.

> ...
>>> By the way, what color banner are you planning on buying? Since the
>>> Foundation color is green and the project color is blue, we have been
>>> encouraging people to try to go for blue when getting banners and things for
>>> booths. This isn't a formal policy of course and it'd be great to hear your
>>> thoughts on this.
>> Our table cloth is green because we wanted to use the Foundation
>> colour. The roller banner is blue. One of the old banners is green and
>> the other is blue. As we're next to the KDE stand, if we have only
>> blue banners, we blend in too much and it looks weird. Also, we do
>> represent the Foundation rather than just the project at FOSDEM. i.e.
>> we talk about the Foundaiton and the work that it does, we've signed
>> people up for FoG before, etc. I don't know how much this is the case
>> at other events though.
> I'd like to encourage people to use the colours in the draft brand
> guidelines. There was a fair amount of work put into these, and it's
> important that we use consistent branding wherever possible.
> ...
>>> For print outs, we are trying to have more of a consistent brand. To help
>>> with that we have these draft brand guidelines for designers:
>>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-marketing/master/brand/style-guide.png
>>> and
>>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-marketing/master/brand/style-examples.png
>> Can these please be moved to GNOME infrastructure? It's weird that our
>> official branding guidelines are not hosted by us.
> The fact that they're in Github is probably down to two factors:
>  1. Github is where we keep source files and in-development work for design
>  2. While I would like to encourage people to follow the guidelines,
> they're still a bit rough in places and need to be finished. Once
> that's happened we'll probably have a PDF on GNOME infrastructure
> somewhere.
> There are various historical reasons for 1, including technical
> limitations of GNOME infrastructure. With the shift to Gitlab those
> might be resolved, and we're experimenting with using it for future
> design work.
> Allan
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