On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 6:48 AM, Alexandre Franke <afra...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Two more things I noticed:
> * There is no notion of timeframe. It would be good to set
> (reasonable) expectations without necessarily making them a hard
> requirement.

Can you please explain this further -- what would the timeline be for?

> * It says “Total budget requested in USD” but the board agreed that
> foundation members shouldn’t have to take the hit for fluctuations in
> conversion rates, and other currencies are supported by the tools we
> use for reimbursement. Therefore the approved amount should be in the
> currency preferred by the requester.

Good point. I changed the language in two places (in bold) to help with

How much can I request?
> Each request will be processed on a case-by-case basis, so please tell us
> how much you think you'll need and why. To set expectations, we hope most
> event organizers will *request under the local currency equivalent of ~
> $100 USD*, since our funds are limited, but we will consider each request.


How do I request funds?
> Please include:
> - Information about the event like what the event is, why it's
> GNOME-related and how it will benefit the community, and when the event
> will happen
> - How many attendees are estimated to attend
> - What the budget will be used for (e.g. snacks and drinks)
> - *Total budget requested in local currency*

Let me know if you have suggestions for alternate wording, or if you see
other places where we should revise.



*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless <http://endlessm.com/>
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