== Attendees ==






Last week's action items:

*Annual Report (DONE)

*Diveristy and Inclusion updates.

*Next guadec will have changes in place, check in with Molly and Krisi for
further information

*All the credentials of our social media accounts and others should be kept
by a trusted person.( Kristi created this as a topic will followup the team
for more updates in the upcoming weeks)

*Announce election results on social media or not? (DONE)

*Outreachy Academy ( Claudio to follow up)

== Agenda ==

=== GNOME.Asia 2019 (oliverp) ===

*takes place in Gresik, Indonesia 12th and 13th of October

*CFP published
deadline for submission is 31th of August

*Submission form available here https://s.id/GNAS19-CfP

*General comment - the local team seems to be doing very good genuine
efforts, help is likely appreciated (oliverp)

=== Social Media & potential news-items ideas (oliverp) ===

 *Promote GNOME Asia 2019 Summit in general (and the CFP specifically)
further in social media channels.

 *GUADEC 2019

=== Misc (oliverp) ===

* Molly published a contributor interview with Sri & a foundation update
for July see


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