On 21.05.12 15:38, Michael Pasternak wrote:
> Hi Livnat,
> On 05/21/2012 02:55 PM, Livnat Peer wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > After digging into the port mirroring feature I suggest a different
> > modeling of it in the API.
> > 
> > The current modeling is to add to vnic a boolean property of
> > port-mirroring, e.g.
> > 
> > api/vms/{vm-id}/nics
> > 
> > <nics>
> >  <nic>
> >   ...
> >   <network href="/api/networks/{network-id}" id="{network-id}"/>
> >   <port-mirroring> true </port mirroring>
> >  </nic>
> > </VM>
> > 
> > This modeling imply 2 limitations:
> > 1. The vnic must be connected to the network it wants to monitor
> > 2. the nic can mirror only a single network
> > 
> > Both of the above limitations are correct to the current implementation.
> > Going forward we might want to introduce the above functionalities and
> > the above modeling won't hold.
> > Instead of the above I suggest to change the port-mirroring property to
> > a list of networks.
> > 
> > <nics>
> >  <nic>
> >   ...
> >   <network href="/api/networks/{network-id}" id="{network-id}"/>
> >   <port-mirroring>
> >    <network href="/api/networks/{network-id}" id="{network-id}"/>
> >     ....
> >   </port mirroring>
> >  </nic>
> > </VM>
> > 
> > In this version we'll validate that the network under port-mirroring is
> > equal to the network the vnic is connected to, in future versions we can
> > remove this validation without changing the API.
> iiuc you saying that in future vnic might be connected to several
> networks simultaneously?
yes, maybe in next version
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks, Livnat
> -- 
> Michael Pasternak
> RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
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